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the underwater candy slips into my mouth like a gum drop as i dip my toes into the frigid lake water. it can't be more than 100 meters from base. this lake reflects the stars on the surface. the water a dark mystery ready to be unfurled. i take a deep breath and take the night bright candy as well. everything looks to be shimmering in a good film as i dip my head under the water.

i gulp as i slowly make my way through the murky depths of the lake. in the distance the water continues to grow colder and deeper, however there is another thing glittering down far on the lake floor. i force my body deeper into the water and feel my ears pop. it's uncomfortable down here.

the closer that i get the more there is for me to see. down below is what seems to be a pile of mud similar to an ant pile. as i near the entrance i see the griffies dotted around the ant pile. they freeze as they notice me. i watch in horror as i see them open their mouths. they are going to kill me.

i wave my arms frantically and before i can stop it i begin speaking. the words from my mouth bubble up from my lungs and vibrate through the water like echoing through a large room.

"i'm here to help. i'm the princess," i close my eyes expecting my death to come swiftly. instead, i am greeted with a large group of black rubbery griffies approaching me at a swift pace. a shiver runs down my spine completely unrelated to the cold.

"then you have come to save us?" a whisper begins to build among the creatures.

"that is my ultimate goal, but i need to build a way through first, so i need your help," i can't help the words flowing out of my mouth. "i need to know what happened at the creation of this world? more importantly i need to know more about the crystal core?" there is a silence that rushes over the creatures and then shoves itself down my throat. i wait with my heart in the bottom of my stomach.

"the cherry blossom princess asks of our history?" the voice is coming from behind.  i blink and turn around, my hair sliding in slow motion in the water.

"i need to know the truth," it's the only way forward.

and even though i've never seen it before i think that the griffy is trying to smile.

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