Bad Reputation

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Looking up at João I can see his lips moving and hear the words he's saying but I struggle to make sense of it as the sound of my heart cracking overpowers the sound of his voice

'I can't see you again'

'Seeing what Travis wrote about you and then having everyone know we are dating is just too embarrassing'

On and on he goes, seemingly eager to fill me in on all the things I did wrong. I didn't kiss enough, didn't dress nice enough, he couldn't date a girl with my 'reputation'

My what???

I want to scream at him that my 'reputation' was clean until just a few days ago, until Travis Kelce got involved and began plotting and executing my destruction

"I'm sorry" João finally says and I know for a fact that its over, whatever Travis said or did to him has made him realise that i'm just not worth the effort. Part of me wants to grab him and beg him not to let Travis win but it's been 3 dates and I'm not the girl that's going to beg a guy to stay after just 3 dates.

I nod my head, not raising my gaze to his, too ashamed of how much this hurts when he is obviously feeling nothing at all or at least not enough to get on the bad side of Travis and I don't blame him, I'm experiencing first hand what getting on the wrong side of Travis Kelce can do to your entire life.

"I'll see you around" and with that he walks away and out of my life leaving me with the memories of last night and I can't help but gulp back a sob as I consider how stupid I was to think that we could ever have been something.

I rush down the hallway and out of the school, not wanting anyone to see how messy I can be when wounded.

As I finally crash through the school enterance i rush straight for the bike shed and then rest my back against the wooden wall, heaving in breath after breath I slowly sink down until I'm sitting on the cold hard ground and only then do I allow myself to give in to the agony coursing through my chest.

Stupid stupid me!

I should never have gotten my hopes up about João, I should have known something would spoil It, just like Annabelle McKean spoiled everything with Max

I rest my head on my knees and let the sobs that have been building in my chest out into the warm Miami air.

'Stupid! Stupid Taylor!'

I think back to standing in the hallway just a short time ago, laughing and giggling with my friends gushing over my date and all the great things about João.

I should have known!

Why didn't I know??

Why am I always the last to know?!

I let out a cry of frustration and then return my head to my knees and just give into my heartbreak, allowing the sobs to wrack my body and the tears to burn my cheeks.

"Wow, what a place to throw a pity party"

My head snaps up and there he is, stood right in front of me baring witness to my very public meltdown. Of all the people in the world why the fuck did it have to be him???

He pushes his hands into the pockets of his black, skinny jeans and stands with his legs apart staring down at me just as I imagine a serial killer would observe their pitiful victim just before finishing them off and In that moment my heart would almost thank him for putting me out of my misery

"What's the matter Taylor? Anyone would think your loser boy had dumped you because of your reputation for poisoning guys dicks"

It was him... of course it was him. I drop my head to my knees and just cry. For my reputation, for my non start of a relationship, for my perfect life that's been obliterated. I don't care anymore that he is seeing it because he is responsible for every broken little piece of it

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