Bury Tomorrow

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Blue eyes burn in to mine, her red hot breath blowing over me, leaving my skin reddened and my heart forever scarred, yet I don't turn away from her, I don't run, in fact I do the opposite... I continue towards her.

I'm aware she has me under her spell, the way her full, devil red lips curl upwards at the corners tell me she knows she has won this fight.

"Please..." my voice is just a whisper in to the night but my desire and desperation screams shamelessly into the darkness that surrounds us.

She raises her hand to my chest and it's as though I have been struck by lightening. A fire ignites just below my belly button and within seconds my entire being is ablaze.

I reach out for her in my anguish and my fingertips grab at her waist but as always she's just beyond my grasp.

I watch as she raises a dark eyebrow whilst slowly dragging her tongue across her lips. My heart is hammering in my chest, just below the hand that is our only source of contact.

"Please..." I repeat and she slides her palm over my pectoral muscles, up the sensitive flesh of my throat and in to the short brown hairs that line the top of my neck.

Her lips part as she applies pressure, pulling my head towards her.

I glance down to see the gap between us closing. The beautiful olive skin of her neck flowing in to her chest and the visible crest of her cleavage that is now pressed hard against my chest.

My heart is pounding so hard that I can feel the blood coursing  through my lips.

My mouth is dry with anticipation and then, almost as though she can read my mind she takes her tongue and glides it slowly over my bottom lip and then up and over my top lip.

The taste of her is like nothing I have ever experienced  before. Like, the sweetest honey heated bythe hottest sun.

I watch as her thick, black lashes finally flutter shut in a sudden act of surrender, preparing her for my touch.

I steal one more glance at the cleavage rising and falling against me and then allow my eyelids to drop shut as the entire world comes to a halt in anticipation for this moment.

Her breath burns against my skin and in my head I hear her calling my name.

"Tarvis..." it drips from her lips like the sweetest poison, the beauty of it rippling down my spine and reigniting the blaze in the lowest parts of my stomach.

Skin hits skin


"Say it again..."

Flesh is on flesh


"Fuck yes, say it again"

The world begins to tumble out of my control, heat ravages my entire being, the feel of her skin, the sound of her voice.

I have waited for this moment for what seems like my entire life time and now it's here...

"Travis..." it's the sweetest sound I have ever head

"Travis ..."


I'm woken from my sleep by the feel of my father's hands around my throat dragging me into a sitting position

My half sleeping mind scrabbles around in the darkness trying to work out what the fuck I have done now but before it works it out my father grasps a hold of me, his alcohol soaked words spray across my face

"Money. How much have you got? Where do you keep It?"

"Nothing, I've got nothing, you took it all" my voice is rough with sleep as he slams my head back hard against the wall.

"Get more"

"I don't know, I just did some jobs for some guy I... I don't know if he wants me back"

Meaning I don't know if I want to end up in jail but my father doesn't take the hint and wouldn't give a fuck even if he did all he wants is money to buy booze, fuck what happens to his only son in the process.

"Make him want you back. I want money in this house by the weekend or you can just take your lazy ass out on to the street, You're 18 years old I can't be looking after you like you're a baby for the rest of your life"

I want to scream that he's never looked after me for a single  day in my life but I know what talking back brings so I say nothing, I swallow down all the words, all the hurt, all the fury, pack them away tightly where they will stay until some bone head at school or on the street provokes me and then I will unleash it all.

"Yes sir" I nod and he releases me from his grip

"Good" he begins to stumble towards my door which is still hanging from it's hinges "By the way Mary's sick. You need to stay home from school to take care of her" he lurches forward as I jump from my bed

"No! No way! She's your wife you do It!" I gulp as he spins to face me, his eyes dark and unfocused, he throws himself forward and we both fall heavily to he ground. His fists colliding with my hip and then my ribs and he yells all kinds of abuse into my face.

"Fine!" I eventually yell back, unable to take the hits any longer "I'll stay home, I'll do it just get off me!!" He grabs me tightly by my jaw before growling loudly in my face and then he finally climbs off of me and stumbles out of my room and down the hallway.

Dragging myself back to bed I don't even stop to take stock of the injuries I just drag the duvet over me knowing the shit that just happened and knowing there's worse to come tomorrow.

I grab my phone and click on Instagram, I go straight to Taylors profile and work my way through the photos, feeling my heart beat returning to normal and my stress levels lower with each photo of her smiling face. By the time I reach the last picture I'm smiling with her, thinking of the way her brown eyes shine when she looks up at me, the way her lips whisper my name.

I go to messages and type one out without even thinking about the words

T: I won't be at school tomorrow but I will be thinking off you every second

I don't care that it sounds mushy, I just need her to know that in my darkest moments it's her I'm thinking of. A message comes back almost immediately

T: I think of you ever second of every day Travis

I grin at her words knowing I can get through whatever tomorrow holds as long as I can end the day with her in my arms and her lips on my skin making everything better the way I'm discovering only only she can do

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