Why Doesn't This Matter?

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Looking at myself in the mirror of the girls changing room I run my fingers over the angry red mark on my cheek and then apply a fine layer of aloe vera gel before packing my toiletries away and releasing my hair from the high ponytail I wear it in for gym class before shaking out my loose curls, separating a front section and letting it hang over my face, hoping it will deflect some of the attention for my glowing cheek.

Looking myself over once more I smooth down my blue and black plaid mini skirt and then head out of the bathroom hoping to get to my car before anyone spots me. Just as the door swings shut behind me I feel a large hand wrap around my waist as another one takes hold of my chin and lifts my face up.

"Travis!" He releases my waist and then pushes the hair from my face and runs his fingers over my hot skin.

"I'm going to kill him" he says quietly, almost as though he's talking to himself and not to me.

"Travis it doesn't matter" I say trying to remove my face from his grip but apparently he isn't ready to let me go just yet.

"It does matter"

"To who?" I challenge and then let the question hang in the air as I watch his jaw tense and then relax, tense and then relax

"It should matter to you Taylor. The way I treated you should matter, the way João dumped you just because I told him to should matter, the way Johan touched you without your permission should matter this" he smoothes his thumb over cheek once more and my body shivers without my permission "this should matter to you, why doesn't It? Why do keep letting people treat you this way and then continue to smile and just get on with your life?"

"Because none of that matters to me, it's not important"

"Well it should be" he says pushing my chin from his grip a little harder than I expected him to. "I've got to go, I have rehersal"

"Ok well... Oh!" I feel my cheeks redden as I realise what 'rehersal' really means to Travis and his band mates " So that's with your band and um... Britney, Lara and those girls right?" I try not to sound jealous, I have no reason to be jealous, Travis isn't mine, I don't even want him to be mine but for some reason the thought of him getting up to whatever he will get up to after practise stings.

"I guess so... Is that a problem?"

"No. Of course not. Why would it be a problem?" I speak too fast and deny it too strongly to not give myself away but he just nods and starts walking away, when he stops and turns back to face me hope sparks in my chest

"You know Taylor, last night..."

"It was nothing I know that, I'm not stupid, I was just showing an interest, being interested, being nosey if I'm being completly honest but no I um..." I gulp down the unnecessary words that's are now flooding my mouth "I'm babbling"

"You are" he says, one side of his mouth curling into a smile

"I'll stop" I give him a full smile and then touch my cheek as it hurts under the pressure. "Oh wait!" Before I know what I'm doing I reach for his arm and drag him with me to my locker

"Taylor, I have to go"

"I know, I know but my mum sent you something" I see his eyebrows rise as I reach into my locker and bring out a brown paper bag. "It's the left overs from last night, she thought you might appreciate them, there's some soup, the rice and fish and lucky for you Austin got sick so there was one dessert left" I thrust the bag into his arms and watch as a shadow of something I don't recognise passes over his face

"Thank you" he stutters the words out like I just handed him the world and he doesn't quite know what to do with it.

"She wrote instructions on the containers for heating it up. Well I had better go, tons to do. You have fun with your band and your... bimbos" I laugh nervously then wave over enthusiastically before turning and almost running away from him. Tears pricking at my eyes and I can't for the life of me work out why.


Taylor_Swift and 12 others like this

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Taylor_Swift and 12 others like this

TravisKelce: Caldo verde, bacalhau à brás, pastéis de nata. Cold leftovers and my guitar what more do I need?

Taylor_Swift: to heat them up!!!!

ItzBritzBitch : get your ass to practise Mendes and I'll heat you up 💋🍆🔥

I sigh and rub my hand over my face I was just looking forward to some internet fun with Taylor and then Britney has to open her big dirty mouth. 15 minutes it's been since Taylor commented, that obviously means she's read what Britney wrote and carried on scolling. That's not what I wanted, I wanted her to realise I hadn't gone to practise and then I wanted to work out if that made her happy or didn't bother her at all. Time to slide into those dm's...

Travis: the left overs were great. Thank your mom

Taylor: They would have been better if you had heated them up

Travis: probably but the power is off, dad didn't pay the bill

Taylor: oh. You could have come over

Travis: na your parents like me right now, the more they see of me the more that's likely to change

Taylor: So no practise hu? Sounds like Britney's missing you or at least your egg plant 😂

Travis: well my gardening skills are one of my many hidden talents

Taylor: Maybe you could show me them some time

Travis: ????????????

Travis: What did that mean????????

Travis: Swift ???????

Travis: Swifty get back here!!!!

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