Enemy Number One

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I don't know what happened, one second I was running on the track as I usually do in the morning before school, the next my head was colliding with something hard and before I could register what was going on I was in someone's arms being carried through the air.

As my back collides gently with a firm surface I finally feel as though I have re-entered my body and slowly become aware of where I am and what surrounds me.

"How do you feel?" Asks Mr. Quinn, running his hand over my hair and then resting it on my forehead

"Fine" I reply, attempting to sit up but his strong arm keeps me down

"Not so fast, you fell pretty hard, you might have a concussion"

"Shouldn't I be in the nurses office?"

"You should but I figured you were exercising way more than you should be and you suddenly look very gaunt, I figured this might be something you didn't want your parents to find out about"

My parents! God if they find out about  any of this it will destroy them and they don't deserve that. They have tried so hard for me, given me everything it's not their fault their child is so defective

"Thank you" I manage as I swing my legs off of the table and try to control the wave of nausea that rushes me

"Are you okay?" His hand is on my thigh as his eyes search mine but I can't focus properly so I blink heavily and then peep out at him again from under my lashes "would you like me to take you home? I can make an excuse to your parents" I try to focus on his words but my head feels light and my fingers are tingling

"I want my mom" I whisper and he strokes my cheek

"Come on, I will take you home" I just nod slightly as his hands slip under my thighs and lift me from the table. He holds me close to his body and I recognise the scent of cigarettes mixed with his cologne.

I let my eye lids drop closed as I allow him to carry me from his classroom and drop me into the passenger seat of his car

"When did you last eat?" He asks as he fastens my seatbelt and pulls the car out of the parking lot and out onto the road. I just shrug, aware the answer won't sound great. "How about we go to a cafe I know first?"

"No thank you I just want my mom" I lean my head back against the seat and close my eyes, jumping slightly when his hand once again comes to rest on my thigh but too exhausted and too nauseous to care.

Opening my locker I lean into it and open Instagram on my phone away from the sight of my so called friends and other passing students.

Opening Taylors profile I frown as I realise she still hasn't posted a new picture. Yes it's probably because she's feeling shit about what went down between us but I need to see her, these old pictures aren't enough I need a picture of her after 'the event', I need to look into that beautiful face and see the difference having me inside of her made.

The thought that it made no difference at all to her causes my teeth to clench as my fists wrap hard around the top of my locker

"Trav..." Britneys voice hit hard against my neck as her hands wrap around my waist and I close my eyes allowing myself to believe for just a moment or two that it's Taylor but the stink of over sprayed perfume and the feel of fake nails means my imagination can't hold out for much longer

"What?" I don't pull her off me the way I want to, hoping the public pretence that there's something between us helps to keep Taylor away

"It's been 4 days since the show in the hallway and you still haven't touched me"

I swallow loudly, hoping to wash away the taste of nausea at the thought of touching anything belonging to Britney.

"What's going on?" I swallow again and then prepare to answer when Brian all of a sudden breaks us apart

"Did you hear about the drama on the track today?"

I roll my eyes to let him know that track is not something I ever want to hear about but he seems determined to continue.

"Swifty was running in that big fuckin track suit she insists on wearing nowadays, although why you would hide that ass I have no idea" Brian's my best friend, we have known each other since we were 5 years old but right now I'm ready to smash his face into the wall

"And?" I ask impatiently

"And she collapsed, completely face planted the track"


"Next think we knew Quinny was swooping in and carrying her off like he was some fuckin superhero" Brian shakes his head in disbelief at the scene he just witnessed causes my stomach to collapse in on itself.

Quinn's hands were on Taylor, on her legs and her back... his face would have been in her hair as she lay unconscious in his arms

"FUCK!!!!!" I slam my locker shut and Brian and Britney both jump

"Travis..." Britneys hands tighten around my arm but I push her away, unable to feel anything but claustrophobic "Travis!"

"Piss off!" I hiss and she clutches her books to her chest as she shuffles away, aware that my temper is wearing thin

"You like her" Brians soft voice causes me to turn quickly in his direction


"Taylor... it's not just a plan or a game or a trick you mother fuckin like the girl"

I snort out  my disapproval whilst shaking my head

"You fucked her and thought that would be enough but it's not"

"Fuck you Brian"

"You have feelings, real, live feelings for her. How does that make you feel?" He's smiling and there's laughter in his words but I'm about ready to punch him in the face as Britney looks on with a confusion all over her face

"Travis?" I hate Brian, absolutely detest him especially when his smile grows as he speaks my name and Britney looks at me suspiciously

"Where is she?" I ask, my tone daring anyone to question my motives

"Quinn carried her to his car then drove off"

I try to calm my breathing, try to calm the blood running hot beneath my skin

"Mother fucker" I say it to no one but to everyone all at once  "That mother fucker!!!" I slam my locker door shut and then stalk down the hallway, slamming in to anyone that doesn't move out of my way.

Mr. Quinn, drama teacher, European blond hair and pale skin recently promoted to enemy number one

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