Vengeance Is A Dish Best Served Cold

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2 weeks later


You have to be fuckin kidding me.

I should have killed Dave Quinn when I had the chance.

I slam my front door shut and head straight up to my room, shutting the door and then pulling the 2 locks I had fitted just a few days ago after Mary's latest drunken wander into my room.



I mean it doesn't make too much difference to my life plans, it's not like after graduation I planned on going to college and me and a career don't exactly sound right in the same sentence but school is my escape from my home and it's pretty much the only place I get to see Taylor right now.

At the thought of her name I look down at my phone and see no new messages. Something is going on with her I'm just not sure what but at about the same time I received a call from the principal I got a call from Taylor, she was crying and I could hear shouting in the background, I didn't get the chance to ask what was wrong before the line went dead but I know it was something to do with me

Thumping myself down onto my bed I rest my head in my hands and growl

Dave was supposed to go quietly, we didn't tell anyone what he had done to Taylor and he didn't tell the police what I had done to him and he went and the cops never came but then all of a sudden the principal receives his letter of resignation with my name is all over it. How I assaulted him and made him feel unsafe in the classroom and turned up at his home, no mention of his treatment of Taylor, obviously just him as the poor victim teacher and me as the big bad bully



What the hell do I do now???


"You were told not to see that boy!" My dads face is red and he's perspiring. He's pacing the living room floor as my mom sits wringing her hands and looking between us

"You weren't being fair to either of us when you said that, you don't know him!"

"I know enough Taylor! He turns up covered in bruises, he assaults his teachers and female students... he is not a boy you should be speaking to let alone dating!"

"He's good to me dad, he takes care of me, he loves me"

"Oh he loves you does he? Is that what he's filled your head with, is that all it took for you to go behind our backs?!" My dad moves to the kitchen and then returns with a piece of paper in his hand and waves it in my face

"Please..." My moms voice is low and I see she's trying to communicate something to him with her eyes but he's the most furious I have ever seen him and he's not ready to stop now

"You were seeing him when I told you not to and you were seeing him when you promised you wouldn't. You promised us Taylor!"

"What else was I supposed to do? I explained the bruises to you, I told you it was his dad and you acted like that information didn't even register, like it didn't matter"

"The boy is a liar. He doesn't know where the lie ends and the truth begins"

"That's not true, you don't know him!" I'm on my feet in front of my dad, staring him down, my hands on my hips, fighting for Travis, choosing Travis but my dad just looks at me like I'm a silly little girl caught up in a fantasy. Again he waves the paper in my face

"Mr. Quinn sent us this letter Taylor, telling us how he continuously found you and Travis together how he warned you about him but you ignored his warnings even when the boy got physical with you on the promenade"

"He didn't..." I remember Travis running after me and grabbing me by the shoulders "It wasn't like that, he just didn't want me to go" My voice is hallow as it comes out almost as a whisper

"Putting his hands on you isn't a sign of affection Taylor, it's a sign of aggression" my moms eyes are filled with concern but how can I tell her how wrong she is when she doesn't know Travis? Doesn't know what motivates him, the horrors he has endured, the fear and anger that causes him to react in different ways to she or I would

"Travis would never hurt me"

"I don't believe that for one second. He's a dangerous boy and you are to stay away from him!" My dad turns to leave and for some reason I rush forward and grab hold of his arm and pull him back, I don't know why I do it I just know I need to make him understand

"I can't stay away from him, I don't want to, I love him!" My dad looks down at where my hand is gripping his arm and then up into my eyes

"Is this what he brings out in you Taylor? This!"

I let go of his arm and look to the ground in shame

"You stay away from Travis Kelce do you hear me? And you hand over your phone. You don't get it back until I know you and he are well and truly done" he walks to where my phone is lying beside my school bag and picks it up, burying it in his pocket and then turning to my mother and shaking his head before leaving the room

"He's worries about you"

"He doesn't understand anything!" I yell, tears cascading down my cheeks "he doesn't understand Travis or me, he's taking everything Mr. Quinn says as truth when he doesn't know Mr. Quinn either, doesn't know what he's done"

My mother stands up and walks to me, placing her hand on my arm

"Your teacher just has your best interests at heart, that's why he went out of his way to write this letter to your father and I, he's very fond of you and doesn't want to see you hurt emotionally or physically by Travis"

I tear my arm from my mothers grip, desperate to scream at her how wrong she is, to let her know all the ways Mr. Quinn hurt me physically and mentally but then I see Travis and I know he would end up in jail and he doesn't deserve that. He risked everything to protect me and now I will risk everything to do the same

"I love him mom, I won't lose him"

I turn and head to my room, dropping down onto my bed and then pulling a cover up to my chin

I won't lose Travis, I can't lose him

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