Keep Away

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"What are you grinning at?

I'm walking down the school hallway with Eva and MJ and I'm looking at my phone completely aware that I'm grinning like an idiot at the words displayed across the screen

"Just Travis" I say and then pause, realising how much of a fangirl I just sounded and when I look to my left I see Eva staring at me as though she is officially about to blow her top.

"Just Travis Taylor?!"

"What does he want?" I thank God for MJ coming to my rescue before looking down and giggling again at his reply "Come on, spill. What is Travis Kelce doing texting you?"

" Oh I said something last night and he took it the wrong way and he's literally been messaging me every half an hour all night long. Look" I hold my phone in MJ's face showing her message after message from Travis


'You there?'

'Are you asleep already?'




'Hey there pretty lady?'


"Oh my God Taylor that's hilarious" giggles MJ, hooking her arm into mine but we are suddenly aware we are missing someone as we turn and see Eva planted to the spot, her arms crossed over her chest and her face stern

"What's up?" I ask knowing the answer

"Travis Kelce? Really???? That's as high as you have set your sights?" She walks towards us and I feel my stomach tense, she's judging someone she doesn't know and that is putting  me on edge. I don't want to fall out with my best friend.

"Eva I don't want to argue with you"

"You would argue with me over him? He's disgusting Taylor, he's a bully and a whore, he's the biggest fuckboy to walk the earth, he struts around like he owns this place and everyone falls at his feet and now you are doing the same thing" she flings her red curls over her shoulder and moves a hand to her hip

"I'm not!"

"Really?!" She covers her mouth with her hand and fakes a ridiculously loud giggle "Oh its only Travis, you know the guy I was crying over last week, the guy that broke up my relationship and put a vile post about me on Instagram but he's cute so I'm going to forget all of that and make myself look like a complete idiot after I join all the dirty skanks chasing him"

"Eva!" MJ and I both gasp her name at the same time, evidently both shocked at the venom she just spewed at me

"Well it's true! You may not want to hear it Taylor but its true. You are too good for him. He deserves Britney or Callie or any one of that group but he does not deserve you and you do not deserve a loser like him. He will be sitting somewhere with his friends and the groupies laughing at you. Fuck sake are you so nieve that you don't see that?"

"You don't even know him" my voice shakes as I speak, I have rarely been spoken to so harshly and definitely not by one of my best friends, her words spin around in my head but anger is also beginning to burn amongst them

"Taylor we have been at high school with him for nearly 4 years I may not know him personally but I have seen and heard about every disgusting thing that he's done. Have you seen the video of him going down on Britney on the floor of his friends garage?" My stomach drops and rolls at the very thought "Because I have seen it and believe me if that vile boy is someone you want to spend your time with then may be you aren't someone I want to spend mine with" and before I can get my thoughts in order she turns and stomps away from us as my chin begins to shake and as another msg comes through from Travis I lock my phone and put it in to my pocket. Embarrassed by my friends words, embarrassed that's what she thinks of me

"Taylor..." MJ pulls me to her and wraps her arms tightly around my shoulders as I begin to cry. Eva's words were brutal but the tone of her voice and the look on her face has broken me. She looked at me like I was the most stupid little girl with the most ridiculous crush.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and just push it down deeper. Not wanting to see his name or imagine his face

"Do you think I'm being stupid for speaking to him?"

MJ pulls back and looks at me seriously "Well that depends, what's going on Taylor? Is it just friends? Do you like him?" She pushes my hair off of my face as my eyes fill with tears. I don't want to tell her, I don't want to admit to being like every other girl, I don't want her to know that I touched him and kissed him in my bedroom when Eva's just made it painfully clear that he probably went running straight to his friends and laughed about it with them.

Why am I such an idiot?!

Why did I make this so easy for him?!

"Taylor, Travis, he's..."

"I know! God MJ I know!" I wrap my arms around her and cry into her neck before pushing away and heading as fast as I can towards the girls bathroom

"Hey!" His hand wraps around my bicep and pulls me to a stop, I look up into his beautiful face that is smiling widely at me and that just causes me to cry harder "are you okay?" He sounds genuine, his eyes look like he cares but Eva's words are bouncing around my head and ringing in my ears

Tearing my arm from his grip I push him away from me by his chest

"Stay away from me Travis" I manage to say through my tears "Just stay as far away from me as possible" and I run the short distance to the bathroom, throwing the door open and rushing inside.

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