Paint Your Target

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Stepping into the party I can't stop my heart from hammering so hard against my chest that I'm afraid it might break free and end up lying on the floor in front of me.

"Are you okay?" Ask Johan as he squeezes my hand and that just makes my heartbeat even more erratic.

"Yup" it's all I can manage as I look down at our joined hands and then look up to see João holding a red solo cup and staring at us as though he's about to say something. I offer him a small smile but he just turns his back to me and I feel my chest clench again with his rejection.

"Can I get you a drink?" Johan asks and I just nod before scanning the room. "Looking for someone?"

"Just my friends, I wanted to say hi but they don't seem to be here yet"

"Okay, well let me get us some drinks and then we can can look for them" he kisses my cheek which causes my heart to jump with surprise and then he walks in amongst the crowd of teenagers towards the overstocked drinks table. Bottles of spirits and soft drinks, beer and wine covers the surface and it's a warning light of what the night will descend into.

My minds just beginning to tumble down the rabbit hole of drunk teenagers and raging hormones when warm air hits my ear and a torso presses up against me. My entire body stiffens, recognising his scent immediately

" Letting him kiss you already Swift? Looks like I might have some competition" I don't turn around to face him but a warmth wraps is self around my entire body and then settles low beneath my belly button. He presses a kiss to the shell of my ear and then walks past me as though our interaction never happened.


I want to punch myself in the face, anything to try and reprogramme my malfunctioning brain. I want to look at him and feel nothing the way I did before this whole fuckin saga began but now just the thought of him sets my body on fire.

"There you go" Johan hands me my drink and smiles at me kindly "Are you okay? Was he giving you shit?" He motions his head to where Travis stands, a red cup in one hand and his other arm leaning against the counter, his gaze burning into me whilst he holds a conversation with his friend Brian.

"No, it's fine" I smile up to him and then he wraps an arm around my waist.

"Lets finish these outside, it's pretty crowded in here and I want to get to know you better"


Johan is nice, he's on the football team, he's always been friendly to me and I have always had an 'interest' in him. He's the kind of guy a girl like me should be dating.  So what if my stomach doesn't spark at his touch? Who cares if when I think about him I imagine us having picnics in the park and not having sex against a bike shed? He's a nice guy and Travis... Travis is the bad guy and he's nothing that I need, unfortunately he also happens to be everything that my body seems to want.

Taking Johans hand once more we move through the kitchen towards the exit, as we pass by Travis I keep my eyes trained on the wooden flooring but just as I'm about to exhale in relief I feel a hand on my ass causing me to spin around and my gaze immediately locks with Travis'. His eyelid drops in a wink as his pink lips pull into a grin revealing his immaculate white teeth.

My cheeks burn but Johan seems oblivious as he continues moving us towards the exit and out into the cool night air.

Taylor and Johan head outside and I can't help but chuckle. The jock actually thinks he stands a chance. I don't know why I find it so amusing but when I look back to Brian he's frowning at me as though I have lost my mind and I realise I'm actually laughing out loud,

"What's got you giggling like a bitch?" Bri asks and I just shake my head and knock back my drink. I look over my shoulder and see João loitering near the exit obviously trying to spy on Taylor and Johan.

"João" I bark and he spins in my direction as though I had just electrocuted him "Não!". He downs his drink before shaking his head and muttering something under his breath, thankfully my Portuguese is better than he seems to think it is and I'm on him in seconds, grabbing him by the neck and pushing him down hard onto the dark, wooden floor"

"Sorry!" He gasps out in panic but I keep my hand on his neck forcing his cheek down onto the cool surface and then kneel in close as I hear gasps and mutters all around us and Brian laughing and clapping at my antics

"Don't you ever disrespect me or my mother again or I will stick my foot that far up your ass you'll be shitting leather for a month. Do I make myself clear?"


"And I told you before that you were done with Swift, do you really want to see what happens to little worms like you that disobey me?"

"No, No, not at all" he's shaking his head so hard I can hear his skull hitting the wood and realise he's going to end up knocking himself out with fear so I remove myself from his body and stare down at him, Brian quickly moving to my side and matching my angry look... brothers. Fuck DNA, we are motherfuckin family

"I think it's time you headed home, don't you?" He scuttles across the floor on his hands and knees

"Yes. Yes." He's on his feet and heading for the front door as I shout a goodbye... of sorts

"Adeus idiota!" As he stumbles out the door Brian and I can't help but laugh and then exchange hi-5s

"That guys is a joke. You really showed him who not to mess with" he pats me on the back and I reach for another drink, holding it to my lips and burning a hole into the door Taylor and Johan just exited through

"Yup, one asshole down, one to go" and I sink my drink before heading in search of my next target

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