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It's one week since mine and Taylors beachside date which means it's one week of sitting in my car a block away from the school waiting for her to show up so we can head back to her house to play computer games and make out.

It's not that I'm embarrassed to be seen with her, especially since Connor kind of expects it what with the whole 'plan' and all but I just don't want the attention and the drama and it's not like Taylor's eager to show me off either, her friends have made it more than clear that they don't approve, Eva in particular showing she's willing to go out of her way to cause problems for me.

I look to the clock. 10 minutes late. That's weird, usually she's here right on time, bouncing in to the passenger side and grabbing my face for a kiss. She may not go all the way with a guy but what she does do, she does very well.

I check my phone for messages, nothing.

I'm just about to call her when I see her round the corner, she looks to my car and then smiles but before I get the chance to smile back a guy appears behind her and she turns in surprise. I'm just about to jump out of the car and grab hold of the guy when I realise she seems to know him. I look at him closer and don't recognise him from school.

Camilas eyes keep flitting to me and then back to the guy who looks around a lot, almost as though he's afraid he's being watched

I'm watching every move asshole, make the wrong one and I will be out of this car and grinding your face into the ground before you can even say my name.

I watch on in interest as they seem to have a little argument before he thrusts something into her hand and she kisses his cheek whilst he shakes his head and then walks back the way they came, Taylor taking a second to herself before strutting in my direction.

She pulls the door open and throws her back pack onto the back seat but there's no kiss. Just an awkward silence.

"The guy?" I ask and she just turns to look out the passenger side window "Taylor?"

"You don't know him, it doesn't matter" she still won't look at me and that's pissing me off

"What did he give you?" That got her attention as she spins in her seat to look at me, her eyes huge, I just look at her and tap the steering wheel impatiently

"It's none of your business"

I raise my eyebrows and tap the steering wheel harder, pushing and pulling my bottom lip through my teeth.

"We are friends that hang out and make out Travis, nothing more, who I talk to or what I get off them is none of your business now are we driving home or am I going to walk?"

"Walk" that entire comment felt as though she had ripped my guts out and when hurt all I know is to hurt back "I have practise tonight" I reach into the back, grab her bag, open her door and throw it onto the sidewalk

"Practise? You mean you have Britney to keep you company because I pissed you off?"

"You said it, now get out my fuckin car. Go hang out and make out with your little weasel friend why don't you?" I watch as she opens her mouth to speak and then decides against it which is a shame because I'm now in the mood for one hell of an argument, but she just shakes her head and then looks back to me as she releases her seatbelt

"Try not to catch something from those skanks"

"What does it matter to you? It's not like your virgin ass is gonna catch it from just kissing me" it's out of my mouth and I'm unable to take it back so I clench my teeth and stare at her as if I meant every word of it.

"You asshole!"

And then she's gone, she slips out of my car, grabs her back pack and is running away down the road towards her house.

Fuck her!

Little Miss 'I'll make out with you every night for a week and then friendzone you like you mean nothing'

I slam my hand into the passenger seat and then look into the rear view mirror to see her disappearing around the corner


And then I look to the other side of the street and see the guy she was talking to. Oh well, if she wouldn't answer my question I know a hundred ways to force this jerk to.

I jump out of my seat and head across the road, grabbing him by the hood of his sweatshirt and pulling him into a nearby alley way.

"What the fuck dude?!"

This guy is whiney as hell and covered in acne, he looks to only be about 16 but I still don't recognise him, even this close up.

"Taylor Swift, how do you know her?"

"I dunno, I just do"

"Not good enough" I tighten my hand in his sweater and push him back against the wall "Now let's try again. What did you give her?"

"Nothing dude!"

He's sweating already and his acne is even more red than before, it's not going to take much for him to cave and I don't have the interest in drawing this out so I just pull him forward, push him hard onto the ground and then turn out his pockets. Finally in the back pocket of his jeans and way closer to his ass than I ever wanted to go I find a small clear bag with some pills in it.

What the actual fuck?!

I release the kid and get to my feet looking at the bag, my interest no longer on anything but whatever this guy is giving Taylor.

"You have 5 seconds to tell me what it is before I do you some very, very serious damage" my hearts thumping at the thought of what ever Taylor has got herself caught up in

"Dexaprine" he blurts out. I don't know what it is or what she uses it for but my brother knows how to get it and they used to date and it ended messy and now she buys it through me. I swear I'm just the go between"

"Your brothers name?"

"Max, Max Mulvey"

"That piece of absolute shit. I will deal with him but you, if I ever see you anywhere near her I will deal with you too... got it?!"

"I get it man" he takes no time scurrying away down the alleyway, leaving me standing there holding some 'Dexaprine' and wondering what the fuck it is and why the fuck a good girl like Taylor needs it.

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