Meet Me By The Promanade

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Taylor hasn't been at school for the past week and she hasn't replied to my messages either.

I shouldn't be surprised considering what I did to her but her refusal to acknowledge me in any way is really pissing me off and what's pissing me off even more is I know it's my own fault. If I hadn't have acted like such a dick when her father reached out to me, if I'd put my foot on Connor and Britneys necks until they swore never to tell her about my stupid plan...

I bite down on my pencil so hard it snaps in two and all eyes in the classroom turn to look at me.

"What?!" I snap and everyone turns away immediately.

Thankfully for me their attention is drawn to the classroom door which opens and in walks Taylor. My breath catches in my throat as I take her in. She looks tiny but brighter than the last time I saw her. Her hair is in two tight plaits and I have to admit that I like the way it looks,  she's wearing a yellow sweater but unlike the ones she's been wearing recently this one fits well, even leaving a hint of her smooth stomach for me to drool over.

"Miss. Swift, nice to see you're feeling better". Says the teacher whilst pulling out a chair for her near the front of the class, I watch as she walks to it, desperate for her to turn and make eye contact with me but she keeps her gaze fixed in front of her, taking her seat immediately and sitting with her back to me for the remainder of the class.

It's a wonder my eyes don't burn two holes into the back of her head because for the remaining 45 minutes I can't look anywhere but at her.

I send her a text message welcoming her back and I see her sneak a look at her phone but then she pushes it deep into her backpack and doesn't even spare a look at me.


I see Britney and Callie whispering and pointing at Taylor and I have to grip my chair tightly to stop me going over there and snapping their fingers off but this is my fault, I made her their target.

I remember the Taylor that used to walk the school halls laughing and joking, taking part in almost every club you could imagine, the one that had gained my attention and made me determined to break her, well I did it, I broke her and In the process I have broken myself because something happened That I didn't expect for one second, I developed feelings for her and she felt them for me. The girl I never would have believed would want me wanted me, gave herself to me so openly so purely and what did I do? What I always do, I destroyed the most beautiful thing my life had ever given me and now all I can cling to is the hope that somehow I can get her back.

I don't care what it takes, what or who I have to sacrifice. I need her back, I need her to touch me the way she touched me and make me feel the things I had never felt before

T: Please meet me by the promenade tonight at 6 I really, really need to speak to you

Okay, so apparently Taylor makes me not too proud to beg. I'm not used to asking for what I want let alone begging for it, usually I just take it but I can't risk pushing Taylor any further away from me than she already is, so I swallow down my pride and then wait.

It takes 2 hours for the reply to finally come

T: 👍

It's a thumb, not even a word but it's something and it's not no and that causes my adrenaline to spike and my heart to beat frantically in my chest.

She's going to meet me just as I asked and I am not to going to fuck this up. God I can't fuck it up this time


"Hi" I look up from my daydream to see Taylor gazing at me anxiously

"You came"

"To tell you to stop texting me, that's all" she crosses her arms over her yellow sweatshirt and taps her foot

"You could have text me that" I smirk, hoping she smiles back but her face stays still and serious

"I mean it Travis, you had your fun with me, everyone knows what a joke I am. Just stop okay, please, things are difficult enough as they are right now without you revolving your life around humiliating me" she looks to the ground and I can almost see the weight of what I did baring down on her shoulders

"Tay..." I can't stop myself from reaching out and lifting her chin towards me "I am so fuckin sorry. That stupid plan, the way I reacted to your dad, what happened in the hallway, all of it. I'm sorry, I didn't want this, not for you, not for me and especially not for us"

She reaches up and takes the hand that's on her chin in hers and then closes her eyes before pushing it away and opening her eyes again, her gaze latching in to mine and refusing to let go

"Very nice Travis, very well done. So where are they?" I feel my forehead scrunch in confusion "your friends, they're around here somewhere right? Watching? Laughing? Oh wait, are they recording it this time? Just waiting for part 2 of   'The Humiliation Of Taylor Swift"


"Don't lie to me Travis! You invite me down here after spending a week texting me and expect me to believe it's for any reason other than to hurt me more than you already have?! What do you take me for? Do you really think I'm that stupid?!" Her voice shakes as it gets louder and then she suddenly grabs hold of my face and my heart suddenly hopes for some crazy happy ending to this madness


Her eyes are begging me and I'm desperate to put my hands and mouth on her but I hold back, I allow my heart to thud wildly in my chest and then wait for her to speak.

"Please end this, leave me alone. I can't take anymore of this shit. I was stupid, I fell for it, everyone's had their laugh at my expense but I can't do this anymore, I can't cope with anymore of this. You win, okay???" Her eyes fill with tears and I hate myself for always making her cry "you win" she repeats "Now please, I'm begging you to leave me alone"

She releases my face and turns and walks quickly away from me and I panic as I see her walking out of my life for good

"Taylor!" I run behind her "Taylor please!"

She doesn't turn back to me, she just quickens her pace and before I know what I'm doing I reach out and grab her shoulder, spinning her around to me and immediately taking her lips with mine, she struggles for a heartbeat and then I feel her hands grip the front of my T-shirt, her tongue moving into my mouth as I grab her hips and slam her into my body.

This, this is what I need, this moment with her, her lips on mine, her fingers tearing at my clothes desperate to get closer. I angle my head so the kiss is as deep and desperate as my feeling are growing for her

"Taylor..." I want to admit everything, tell her everything, let her know this is not a joke this is as real as I get but she swallows her own name as she desperately moves her mouth back over mine and my hands grab her her hips roughly

"Taylor..." we both ignore her name being spoken and continue to devour each other "Miss.Swift"

That voice... we both freeze. I rest my forehead to Taylors as we both pant wildly, our hands gripping each other as though we are terrified of being ripped apart

"Mr. Kelce I think you should step away this very second"

I clutch her hips tighter but she wriggles free and then ducks her head, she's ashamed to be caught with me.

"Miss. Swift if you would come with me I will take you home"

"Mr.Quinn, that won't be necessary..." she doesn't raise her head and the protective side of me roars into life as I spin around and use an arm to move her behind me

"She's fine. I will walk her home"

"Taylor?" The look that passes between them makes a shiver move down my spine. Something is going on I'm not aware of and that makes me as uncomfortable as fuck

"Miss.Swift I'm sure your father..."

What the fuck?!

I'm sure your father what???

"Okay sir, a lift would be great. Thank you " she moves my hand from her and walks towards Mr.Quinn, never raising her head and never making eye contact with me


She ignores me as Mr. Quinn places a hand on the small of her back and guides her away from me


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