Taking The Power Back

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Stretching my legs out on the grass I lazily strum my guitar whilst my eyes stay firmly fixed on the blond in the tiny, black gym shorts and slightly damp t-shirt that's once again clingings to all the right curves. I consider the fact that I could have had my hands all over those curves last night and 50% of me wants to punch myself in the face for ending it when I did and 50% of me is patting myself on the back for doing the right thing.

Unfortunately 'doing the right thing' doesn't relieve the pressure that's building in my pants so I pick up my phone and send Bri a text telling him practise is on tonight and to make sure Britney is there. My stomach churns as I press send but a guy has needs and Brit is all about meeting my needs.

"So, are you getting anywhere with Swifty?" Asks Connor as he picks up my guitar and struggles to string a few chords together, he's the drummer in our band and he's great at it, unfortunately when it comes to playing the guitar you would swear he was trying to play it with drum sticks stuck to his fingers.

"Slow but steady" I say watching as she runs left and right in a game of mixed teams dodgeball

"It doesn't usually take you this long to get into someone's pants, normally just a look and they drop them"

"Yeah but this is the school 'good girl', the 'virgin', it's gonna take longer than usual" I glare at him and hope he takes the hint that I'm done talking about this but he doesn't and just keeps going whilst he murders my guitar.

"Well have you at least got to second base? I know you made out with her but tell me you've at least had your hands on the goodies"

"Motherfucker!" I jump up to my feet as quickly as my bruised insides will let me

"What did I say?"

"Not you, that asswipe Johan Cross, he just threw the ball straight at Taylors face" I feel temper beginning to burn in my chest as my friend looks up at me with an amused expression on his face.

"Taylor eh? When did she turn from a Swift into a Taaaaaylor?"

"Around about the same time you became such a dipshit" I huff and drop back down onto my ass and snatch my guitar back. My gaze burning into Johan, daring him to try that shit again when I'm around

"He can't see you"


"Remember? We chose this spot because we could see the girls running but they couldn't see us?"

"Oh yeah" I chuckle lightly remembering how excited we had been when we realised we could check out the girls during gym class and they had no idea.

"So what's the deal? Is this still some 'Wicked Plan' to get into Swiftys panties are you starting to catch feelings for 'Taylor'?"

I snort loudly in disgust at the thought of me catching feelings for anyone, the very thought of feeling anything for anyone ever making me feel ill but before I can defend myself against his accusations Johan hits the ball into Taylors face again and I'm on my feet charging down to the sports yard ready to commit murder in front of a class full of witnesses.

"Hey ref!" I grab my side as it screams I'm making too many momevents it's not up to yet but I try my best to ignore it.

"Mr. Kelce..."

I see Taylor look at me in confusion and then bite down on her bottom lip as she holds a hand to her cheek which has turned a deep shade of red following the impact

"Do your fuckin job!" I bark at my teacher as though I'm the one in charge "Cross there is purposely targeting a much smaller, much less 'male' apponant to him and you're just prancing around tooting your little fuckin whistle"

"Oh here he comes Sir Kelce riding in on the white horse to protect Princess Taylor, just like Friday night"

What the fuck?!

This boy has balls when he has his team mates around but unfortunately for him I have balls 24/7 and I won't be spoken to like that by anyone I'm not directly related to.

"Do I have to remind you of what else happened Friday night you little piece of shit?" I look to my teacher but he's just shuffling from one foot to another, aware of the threat I made to him as well as the fact I always see my threats through.

"You caught me with a sucker punch that's all" he looks uneasily to his friends and then forces out a laugh

"Travis it's fine" Taylor puts her hand on my forearm and I shrug her off, this isn't about just her anymore this is about an asshole jock thinking he can stand up to me in front of his boys and not have to pay for it.

I reach down and pick up the dodgeball and stare at him as he and his friends mutter some bullshit between themselves.

"Mr. Pearson, you really should keep better control of your students"

"Why is that Mr. Kelce?"

"Then I wouldn't have to do it for you" as the words come out I turn and slam the dodgeball with as much force as I can into Johans face, the force knocking him to the ground as every member of the class seem to gasp in horror. As soon as his ass hits the floor I'm on him again, my hand wrapped around his throat the way my father's had been wrapped around mine only this time I'm not the victim I'm the aggressor and I feel myself taking the power back

"Don't fuckin go near her again, don't look at her, don't breathe the same air as her. Do it and you will think a ball to the face felt like a fuckin kiss!"

"Travis leave him! Please!" Taylors hands are on my shoulders and again I shrug her off before standing up and then stalking back across the yard to where Connor is sat laughing

"Kelce, Kelce, Kelce..." his voice is filled with amusement

"Shut the fuck up!"

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