The Events Of The Last Half Hour

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2 weeks later

I stand in front of my bedroom mirror and can't believe the man that's looking back at me

He looks the same physically, brown hair, green eyes, tall... and happy...

When the fuck did I become happy???

I look at the black oil that's slicked over my face from my first day of work and my black tshirt and black cargo pants... it's not the outfit I would usually wear because usually when I dress, I dress to impress, to present myself to the world as someone different, someone I am not but here I am, standing in front of my mirror, oil from head to toe. Travis Kelce, expelled from high school, working a dead end job at the age of 18 and happier than I have ever been in my whole fuckin life

After taking a shower I slip into some black track pants and a black tank top and then sit on my bed and wait for my 'parents' to black out hoping Taylor will turn up like she has most nights since the drama with Dave Quinn went down

I strum my guitar gently and then almost shit my pants when someone begins hammering on the front door, it can't be Taylor, it's too early for her and she knows to knock quietly, unless something is wrong, unless Dave Quinn went back on his word!

I drop my guitar to the threadbare grey carpet and then run as fast as I can, taking the entire flight of stairs in 2 strides, I power down the hallway and throw the door open, panic blazing through my mind and chest and then shock and confusion take over

"Mr. Swift sir..." I manage to shut the door and slip outside just as his hands grip the front of my tank top and he pulls me roughly to him

"I told you to stay away from my daughter!"

So that is what this unexpected visit is about, he's found out I have been seeing Taylor.

I lift my head to look at him but I don't retaliate, I let him cling to my top and pull me back and forth as he rants and that's when I lose any knowledge of what the hell he's talking about

His English is spliced with furious curses as he yells about Taylor and my influence on her, I don't argue back, instead allowing him time to vent as his hands never once leave my shirt

"She was a good girl until you!"

"Yes sir"

"You have changed her, she had never been in trouble before and now it's constant"

"Yes sir"

I don't know what trouble he's talking about, I make a mental note to ask Taylor but I stay silent and let him continue

"The money is the last straw! I don't know what you need 300 dollars for and quite frankly I don't care..."

My head whips up and I stare him in the eyes wondering what the fuck is going on.

300 dollars?!

"Taylor says you don't know anything about it but don't tell me you had nothing to do with her stealing the money from her mother and me"

Taylor stole 300 dollars?

What the fuck for?

My mind zones out on Mr. Swift for a moment, running through all the reasons Taylor might need 300 dollars desperately enough to steal it from her parents.

Taylor is a good girl, she's not a thief

"She wouldn't do that" I say almost to myself

"Oh don't give me this act, she admitted that she did it, she admitted everything, the only thing she didn't admit is that you were involved. What did you need it for hu? Drugs? I swear to God if you have got my daughter involved in anything I will do time for you"

I roughly pull myself from his grip and hold up one finger to let him know to wait and then I turn and walk into the house, up the stairs and into my bedroom where I remove the back of my wardrobe and take out the envelope stuffed with my first 2 weeks wages from work and other bits and peices I have been doing. I remove 300 dollars and then replace everything and walk back down the stairs.

Taylor wouldn't take money for no reason, she isn't that girl and although I'm not sure what the fuck is going on she's my girl, I love her and  I will do anything I can to protect her

"Here" I say handing him the money and he snatches it from my hand

"It was you, I knew it was you! Now you stay away from Taylor, this is the last time I will tell either of you. You stay the hell away from my daughter!"

I clench my teeth and shake my head and then look at the older man, his face red, his lips wet with spit

"With all due respect sir, I love your daughter"

I don't give him the chance to respond I just turn and walk into the house and pick up my car key, preparing to go and find Taylor and work out what the fuck is going on when my phone starts ringing, Brian...

"What's up, I'm in a hurry" I tell him and I can tell by the music and voices around him that he's at a party

"I'm at Noltes place"


"And your girl just turned up"

Taylor is at Noltes house party?! My mind once again loses all comprehension of what is going on right now


"Yeah I was surprised too but dude she's pretty wasted"

"Taylor is? Who did she come with? If this is Brit again..."

"No, no, Brit came with me and Connor. Taylor just turned up on her own"

"Do you have your eyes on her now?"

"Yeah but Travis there's a group of college guys sniffing around"

"Do not let her out of your sight, I'm on my way now. If they take one step towards her just raise hell and I will be there to help you out 5 minutes tops"

"Okay dude, you got it"

I slam down my keys and run out through the front door, thankfully Taylors dads car is exiting the street as I jump into mine and pull out into the road my mind reeling with the events of the last half an hour.

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