You're Changing Me

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Hopping down from the promenade to the dark sand I look up and down the beach for Travis, my eyes adjusting to the gloom now the lights of the promenade are further away I look left and then right but there's still no sign of him. I'm just about to reach into my pocket for my phone when two strong arms encircle my waist and pull me back into the warmth of a tall, hard body

"Gotcha" he whispers in my ear and I turn my head to his

"Yes you have" I reply with a wink and then turn myself in his arms so I can press my lips against his. As my tongue finds its way into his mouth I feel it press against chewing gum and I can't help but laugh into the kiss

"When did kissing me become so funny?" He asks, pretending to be offended but I see a playful spark in his emerald eyes

"You're chewing gum"

"I'm still waiting for the funny part Swift"

"That means you were planning on kissing me"

"How do you know I'm not just obsessed with oral hygiene?"

"Well I've heard the rumours Travis I know you're obsessed with oral something..." I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively as his jaw drops

"Taylor Swift... you dirty little..."

"Yeah, yeah like you aren't" I slip my hand into his as we begin walking across the sand, the same crazy smile on both of our faces

"You know this isn't exactly what you promised me" he keeps his eyes fixed straight ahead of us but I see the corner of his lips turned up in a playful smile "You promised me hot sunshine"

"Travis it's 9pm"

"Warm sand"

"The suns going down already. I can't help that!" I pout but all I really want to do is grin like an idiot because he's being so cute

"And there was another thing too..." I stop walking and look up at him, my brows knitting together, silently asking him to tell me what it was but he doesn't answer, at least not with words but as his hands quickly move to my ribs, tickling as hard as he can I scream in surprise and then giggle and I know that's something else I had promised, my giggle, the one he likes so much.

I'm somewhere between gasping for breath and giggling so hard I fear I might hyperventilate as his arms fall to my waist and then his leg sweeps behind me causing us both to fall heavily into sand. The fall causes a loud grunt to escape me and for a second our eyes meet, mine telling him in silence that I'm fine before we both start laughing loudly, my arms finding their way around his neck and his head resting on my shoulder as his entire body shakes with laughter

"Are you okay?" He finally asks whilst brushing my hair from my face and at the same time brushing sand over my cheek

"I'm fine" I assure him and he takes the opportunity to press two small kisses to my lips before pulling away but I want more of him so I pull his head back to mine, caressing his lips with my own before sliding my tongue over his and moaning deeply at his taste. "Thank God for the gum though because you taste amazing"

This time it's him that takes the opportunity to deepen the kiss, angling his head and sliding one hand from my cheek to my hip. Picking up the pace and the intensity until we both pull away gasping for breath

"Wow" he gasps "who knew kissing could be better than sex?" He leans back on his hands and I see his cheeks are pink and his lips wet, his eyes suddenly minus the shine and dark with want

"Better?! I'm insulted"

"Well, kissing you is better than having sex with any girl that isn't you. How's that?"

"Better" I smile shyly and then push myself to a seated position and cross my legs

"Oh wait, I almost forgot, I brought these" He rummages in his jacket pocket before pulling out two very crushed candy bars and holding one out to me "dinner!"

I look down at the flattened bar and smile widely "this is the cutest thing anyone has ever done for me"

"Don't mock me" he pouts and I can't help but kiss his lips

"I'm serious. It's beyond adorable, and here's Britney telling me all you like is angry and..."

"Forget her, she knows nothing about me"

I nod and then put the candy bar into my pocket

"It's dinner, you're supposed to eat it!"

"It's the first thing you ever bought me. I can't eat it, I have to keep it as a memory"

He tears his open and then observes it as though it's roadkill "whatever" he states "it'll still taste good" he gulps it down and then returns to resting on his arms, his legs stretched out in front of him

"You have no soul!" I fix him with a disappointed look and he just burps loudly

"Yeah but you knew that already, its why you couldn't resist me"

Reaching over he takes my hand in his and pulls me until I'm straddling him

"You know, there's more than one way for me to apologise to you"

"You don't need to apologise, we moved on from that. You kissed me in the sand and brought me dinner, all is forgiven" I kiss his cheek and just enjoy his scent as it wafts on the sea breeze

"Well I am good at kissing and I'm also good at feeding, better than you are at eating anyways"
he motions to the hidden treat in my pocket. "But..." In one movement he rolls us over so I'm lying on my back in the sand and he's leaning over me "there are other things I'm also very good at" he drops a kiss to my throat and my body immediately heats up under him

"Such as?" My words come out strained, the warmth from his chest burning through my thin purple t-shirt.

"This" his mouth closes around my bottom lip and he sucks, immediately causing my eyelids to drop shut, closing out everything else in the world except from him and me.

I can't help but murmur as one hand wraps around the back of my neck and pulls my head to him as he bites and laps at my neck and he moves his hand to my ass then squeezing causing a groan to leave both of our lips

"And I'm particularly good at..." his hands press over the part of me throbbing below my jeans but before he can do anything more I take his hand in mine

"We can't"

"We can" He grins before returning his attention to my neck, his hands moving from my crotch to the skin left naked by my T-shirt riding up.

He feels so good and my body is reacting to his every touch as though he was setting off fireworks on my skin but I can't help the voice inside that's telling me this is too much, too soon.

"Travis..." he pauses and looks down at me and apparently my face is telling him a lot more than my lips can because he moves off me and brushes his hands down his black jeans

"Too much?"

"After what happened..."

"I get it"

"Promise?" He takes my face in his hands and kisses the tip of my nose

"I'm here for you not sex. Sex I can get anywhere you... well there's only one of those and I'm not looking to lose it any time soon" he kisses my lips again before standing up and pulling me to my feet

"I thought you were supposed to be the bad boy" I giggle as I thread my fingers through his and then grip onto his elbow with my other hand

"Yeah well, you're changing me" he says as he smiles and then leads me up the stairs from the beach back on to the promenade.

I'm changing him? That's funny because he's changing me too and excitement bubbles in my stomach as I think about where it might lead

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