A Mouth Full Of Fury

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I stroll into the school and down the corridor as though I fuckin own the place whilst pushing every single thing I have felt today way, way down.

Mr. Swift? Fuck him!

Taylor? Fuck her!

My dad and Mary? Fuck them both!

Reaching my locker I look to Connor and Britney who seem to be happily joking about something.

Fuck them too!

"What ever has been going on between you two stops" I instruct them and their heads snap in my direction, suddenly aware that I'm there "I'm back, Brits time is for me and me only, got it?"

"Sure thing" replies Connor and I see a flash of disappointment in his eyes but that's his problem. If he doesn't like it, fuck him!

"I thought you were too busy playing games with Taylor to play with me" she huffs jealously and pouts her painted lips as she slaps a hand to her hip

"Yeah well, I played the game, won the game and now I'm back in the big leagues" I feel a wave of shame sweep over me for talking about Taylor that way but I just shove it down and repeat the mantra in my head.

Fuck her!

Fuck her for spilling her guts to her dad.

Fuck her for betraying my trust. Everything that's about to happen is her fault, it didn't have to be this way. If she'd have just kept her fuckin mouth shut maybe I would have my mouth on her this very second instead of this stomach full of hatred and a mouth full of fury.

"Wait a second..." Connor puts a hand on my shoulder and gets closer to my ear "You did it? You actually fuckin fucked Swift?"

I want to punch him in his mouth for speaking about her like that but instead I just raise an eyebrow and nod "Was there ever any doubt?"

"My God you're the master!" He pats my back and laughs loudly "I bet she didn't know what the hell hit her when you got going, you're a motherfuckin machine" I just smirk but internally i feel like being sick

"So you did it, you did her, well fuckin done, can we all just get back to normal now thank you very fuckin much?" Britney looks impatient and I know it's jealousy forcing the words from her mouth

"Practise, tonight, no panties" instruct before pulling open my locker door and catching sight of the candy bar lying in the bottom of it


I don't give myself a second to think about him or the minecraft dates or the chocolate bar apologies i just slam the door shut and grab Britney by the hand, intending to drag her off to the bathroom when the very last person on earth I want to see enters the hallway and begins walking slowly towards her locker

As I walk up the steps towards the entrance to the school another guy wolf whistles at me and I feel my chest glow red. I made more of an effort than I usually do for school, applying make up and curling my hair, wanting to look nice for Travis in case any of his friends happen to find out about us.

"Looking good Taylor!" I ignore the cat calling and whistles, there's only one person I'm looking to impress and I know he's here already because I saw his car in the parking lot.

Walking down the hallway I feel my heart begin to pound in anticipation. I wonder what he's wearing, if he made a special effort for me the way I did for him. I wonder if he's styled his hair or just let his hair flop onto his face the way I love.

When I finally catch sight of him he's at his locker with Connor and Britney and... he's got hold of Britney hand, pulling her towards the bathroom and my heart drops so hard into my stomach I physically retch

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