Love Struck

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Pulling the duvet up over Travis and my naked chests I cuddle into his side as he wraps an arms around my shoulders and pulls me even closer

"You know I used to think sex was sex and sex was pretty great but it's true what they say, caring about the person you're doing it with really takes it to another level"

He kisses my hairline as his fingers ghost up and down my back making me shiver against him.

"So you care about me?" I ask, smiling against his skin

"So much. More than I thought I was capable of if I'm being honest"

"Good, because I care about you too. I would do anything to protect you, you know that don't you?" I look up at him and his brow crinkles slightly as though he's trying to make sense of what I just said.

Mr.Quinns threats hang over me even now, when lying here, safe and warm in Travis' arms it would be so easy to just tell him what's been going on, to hand him my phone and then... watch as all hell breaks loose.

He wouldn't take it calmly like MJ did, he wouldn't hold me and cry with me and advise me to tell someone, he would leave my house, find Mr.Quinn and quite possibly murder him and if by some chance he did survive, Mr.Quinn would speak to Travis' dad and it would be my boyfriend that was at risk of death.

Throwing an arm over his stomach I grip him tightly to me, desperate to keep him from any more pain than he has already been through

"Taylor, I'm the guy, I do the protecting, you don't ever have to worry about me, I can take care of myself"

"I want to take care of you too" I press a kiss to his chest, right above where his heart lies "let me"

"You just took very good care of me" he winks and then pulls me on top of him so I'm completely naked and straddling his waist "but if you insist, I guess I could let you take care of me again"

His hands drop to my ass as he begins circling my nipple with his tongue "Or you could just let me be the man and take care of you"

In one swift move he lays me flat on my back and crawls over me, his lips devouring my neck as one hand massages my breast and the other grips my hip

"Or we could just take care of each other" I reach between his legs and take hold of him firmly

"Fuck yeah" he groans and then moves his lips to mine "No one has ever effected me the way you do" he says between kisses and then hooks an arm under my knee and pulls my legs apart.

He takes a second to protect himself and then pushes into me as we both gasp at the sensation


His next word is drowned out by the sound of my front door opening and then slamming shut as someone enters the house and runs up the stairs towards us

"Fuck!" He whisper yells

"Stay still it's fine" I whisper into his ears as I slowly move my hips up to meet him and he closes his eyes in pleasure as he silently
mouths 'fuck'

"Taylor if we get caught like this your dad will cut it off"

"The door's locked" I roll my hips up to him once more as I lift my head and then use my tongue to draw a heart shape around his nipple before taking it between my teeth

"Taylor... baby..."

"Move, I know you want to" I move up to him once more "mmm Travis..." I moan in his ear and his hand quickly clasps over my mouth

"Are you trying to get me killed?" He grimaces and I giggle as we hear someone moving around in the bathroom "that's one of your parents out there!"

He drops his head to crook of my neck and I feel him bite down on my shoulder as his hips slowly move backwards and forwards

"There you go. Does that feel good?" I hear him fake sob against my shoulder and I giggle louder than I should, I hear the movement in the other room pause and Travis looks at me in panic "you're so cute when you're scared" I tell him with a wide smile

Once again his hand clasps over my mouth and I see his eyes flooding with frustration.

Just as I'm about to be kind and agree that we should stop we hear the footsteps padding down the stairs and then the front door open and then close. A few moments later we hear the engine of a car start and then pull away and I can't help but dissolve into fits of giggles

"Oh my God, that was so funny" I choke the words out between full on belly laughs and I'm so consumed by laughter that I barely notice him pull out but suddenly his arms around my stomach and he flips me over so I'm kneeling on all fours in front of him

"That was very, very naughty"

"But it was so, so funny" I argue back and without any warning he grabs hold of my hips and slams into me, knocking the breath from my chest and pleasure to ripple through me like ripples of water on a lake

"You should know better than to tease me" He says almost pulling out before slamming his hips hard against my ass and I press my chest flat against the bed to give a better angle

"Do. Not. Do. It. Again" he slams into me to accentuate each word and I can't help but moan loudly at the sensation. Travis being gentle with me was like heaven but Travis being rough with me is bringing me to a level of arousal I didn't know was possible and I'm thankful we are now alone in the house because I'm no longer in control of the way the noises and words slip over my lips, the obscenities leaving his mouth turning me on and heating the air in the room to the point I feel like I could suffocate on my desire

"Travis! Oh my God!" The sound of our bodies colliding as I repeat his name is the last thing I hear before he drags me to the edge and then throws me over, my chest gasping for air and then releasing a long, low groan of absolute ecstasy which is soon followed by his own animalistic moan before we collapse onto the bed, tangled in each other's limbs both panting and grinning at each other like the Love struck teens we were becoming.

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