Out Of Hand

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"Hi Trav"

I don't need to turn around to know there'll be a mass of blond hair, pouty red lips and tits pushed up in my direction and a high pitched voice offering me some 'action' in a bathroom stall. I clench my jaw and then turn around and see exactly what I expected.

"Hey" is all I can force out, aware that Taylor is due at her locker any minute now and I don't want her witnessing the show that Britney insists on putting on to get my attention.

"Hey yourself" she drawls whilst fingering a button on my denim shirt "Its been a while Travis, how about we get reacquainted in the bathroom?" She begins to pull me gently by the denim fabric and I see Brian walking towards us with a smirk on his face

"Not in the hallway children" he laughs whilst slapping me on the back "I'll cover for you with Bloomdale if you want to go relieve some tension"

"Let's go" Brit says eagerly, dropping her hand to mine and tugging more firmly 

"Hi Travis"

Taylor says in passing us she walks from behind us to her locker. She doesn't make eye contact, just keeps her head down and I know immediately she heard more than she was comfortable with.


"Hey Travis" Britney repeats loudly in a whiney voice, obviously mocking Taylor and immediately an anger begins to glow in my guts.

Taylor looks over her shoulder briefly and I see her cheeks are red, obviously embarrassed by Britney's words

"Leave her alone Brit"

"Well she just pisses me off, walking around like she's so perfect looking down her nose at everyone else"

Taylor lifts her head but doesn't look back this time

"You can't be that perfect Taylor if even João 'have you seen the size of my ears' Furtado didn't want to touch you"

I watch as Taylor rummages nervously in her locker and I wish that for once she would fire back, I know she can, I remember how sharp her tongue became when she lost her temper with me by the bike shed but she seems determined to keep her head down and not get involved.


As always, and then I look to Brit with her bottle blond hair, the fake tan that makes her look like an oompaloompa and the painted red lips she will wrap around anything of anyone's just to appear cool or relevant and my stomach turns to think about how many times she's had those lips wrapped around something of mine. The way she pants and moans and groans like an over the top porn star plays loudly in my mind for a moment and then I think about the way Taylor moved under my touch last night, she wasn't putting on a show for anyone, she was just taking what I gave to her in what was just an honest and pure experience between two people. Honest and pure...words I never thought I would use to describe my sex life but as with so many things, Taylor brings out a different side to me.

"Oh and Max Mulvey cheated on you didn't he?  and Johan..."

"Enough!" My hand wraps around her wrist and pushes her away from me "I told you to leave her alone so just shut the fuck up will you??"

"Travis!" Her mouth drops open like a fish and I see Taylor trying to look over her shoulder discreetly to see what the commotion is all about "I was just being honest, it's nothing you haven't said about her yourself!"

This time Taylor turns her entire body to look at me and instead of Brit, it's my mouth that's gaping open as I look between the blond that's looking as smug as shit and the blond that's looking hurt as hell.

Yeah, I did say stuff like that about Taylor but that was in the past, before I got to know her. I look across at her and to my surprise she's walking straight towards us.

"Oh here so comes" Brit crosses her arms across her chest, sticks out a hip and rolls her eyes. I give Taylor a look, begging her not to do this now, begging her to believe there's an explanation she will understand but she keeps walking, stopping just beside Britney and reaching out, Brit jumps and turns to face her, a look of shock animating her face.

"Sorry Britney, I thought someone ought to let you know your skirt was tucked into your panties, probably from when you went into a bathroom stall with Connor earlier, hu?" She smiles up at Brit and then to me, the most innocent look on that beautiful face of hers.

Connor and Britney?! Well fuck me! I guess they have to find something to do at band practise when I'm not there.

"Travis if you want to go with her to the bathroom just make sure you use something, you wouldn't want to catch something itchy that you might pass on to any future sexual  partners, now would you"

Is she saying what I think she's saying????

Is she suggesting she might be my future sexual partner???

In front of Britney and Brian???

I look to them and they are both looking at me suspiciously whilst Brit smoothes down the back of her skirt

"Oh honey you don't stand a chance in hell with someone like Travis" Britney looks as though she's about to claw Taylors eyes out but Taylor just steps closer to me and reaches a hand to my cheek

"Tonight, the usual place, come prepared" she lets her hand drip down my neck to my chest and then turns quickly, strutting down the hallway, pushing her locker shut in the process and earning a round of applause from the small group of onlookers, one of which was non other than João ' have you seen the size of my ears Furtado' who looks at me as though I just dropped out of someone's ass.

"You told me you weren't interested in her!"

"What the fuck's it got to do with you?!" I snarl stepping towards him menacingly and he ducks his head and and scuttled away down the corridor

"Are you serious?" Asks Brit as she pushes me back by my shoulder "You and Miss. Giggles? Is that why you haven't touched me recently?"

"No I haven't touched you recently because my standards went up all of a sudden and yours went down. Connor??? Really???" In all honesty I couldn't  care who she fucks, Connor, Lara, her pet dog just as long as it keeps her attention off of me and Taylor, unfortunately Brian thinks now is the ideal time for him to chime in and this situation becomes even more out of hand than it already was

"Of course he's not with Taylor. It's some messed up plan him and Connor came up with"

"Brian!" I warn him not to go any further but apparently he's not hearing me today

"He's going to fuck her and then chuck her. Tear her v card up in her face"

"O-M-G!!!!" Britney shrieks and throws herself into my arms "I absolutely fuckin love it. Please record the moment she finds out and then you and I can fuck to it later" she puts both of her hands on my shoulders and laughs into my chest and I take my arm and push her away from me once more, turning and opening my locker, my pulse pounding in my head as I realise what Connor had called 'The Wicked Plan' had just got wickedly out of hand.

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