I'll Be Waiting Right Where You Left Me

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Dinner went well. Really well. We feasted on a soup called caldo verde followed by a a rice and fish dish bacalhau à Brás and then my mum made a dessert of pastéis de nata which smelt amazing. Travis looked like he was in heaven as he ate and spoke to my dad about everything we had seen and done in Portugal, I could barely remember the visit due to being just 8 at the time but apparently I had a great time and from the photos and videos we watched after dinner it seems like I really did.

Travis was quiet throughout, as though he had something on his mind but he spoke a little about where in Portugal his parents were from, Lagos and the reasons they left

"Are you okay with me being here?" He asks as he lies on my bed and stretches his long arms over his head before suddenly remembering he's wounded and yelping a little in discomfort.

"Did he hurt you?" I ask sitting on the edge of my bed and looking up to him, unable to keep the concern from my voice

"Its nothing"

"It hurt you just then"

"It will heal" he rubs his side and then his stomach before closing his eyes as we descend into a comfortable silence and once again it hits me how crazy it is that the school 'bad boy' Travis Kelce is spread out on my bed after having eaten both breakfast and dinner with my entire family.

"This is weird hu?" He asks having seemingly reading my mind "Me being here?" I nod and he pushes himself forward and groans again in discomfort.

"Come here" I say, taking his hands and helping him to a standing position and as he towers over me i feel my heart begin to race. Memories of how our close proximity ended beside the bike shed begins replaying in my mind, but I manage to calm myself down enough to take hold of his white V-neck t-shirt and pull if as high as I can then I look him in the eyes, hoping he will see my intent and help me out and he does, slowly he takes the fabric from me and pulls it over his head, dropping it on to the bed and then turning back to me but never meeting my gaze, instead his eyes are fixed on the ground. Shame burning pink on his cheeks.

I look to his stomach, the peaks and troughs of his abs are painted purple and blue but below that I see yellow, new bruises on top of old. I can't stop myself from reaching out and tracing a finger over the solid ridges and smooth plains of his taut muscles. He shivers slightly but refuses to look up

"You didnt deserve this" I whisper but he remains silent. "Please tell me you know you don't deserve any of this"

"I don't know what I deserve anymore. I'm a monster Taylor look what I did to you, look at the way I treat Britney and those girls"

I can't stop my hands from moving over his stomach and his sides, trying to heal every wound with my touch and eventually he lifts his chin and looks at me, really looks at me with those emerald eyes framed with thick black lashes.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because no one else has and you deserve it" I slide my hand over his abs and then his chest until it snakes around his neck and I pull him down to me but he pulls back, not enough to reject my advances but just enough to let me know he's struggling with what to do next.


"I want to make you feel better" I whisper into the crook of his neck

"You have... This, tonight, with your family, you have no idea how good this makes me feel"

I press a kiss into the soft skin of his neck and he releases a low growl so I tighten my grip and pull him lower, kissing it again and then swishing my tongue over the hot skin before sucking gently "Fuck..."

Maintaining eye contact I bend my knees and begin kissing every bruise and whelt. Moving my tongue between the ridges of his abs as my hands slide over his hips and hold his torso to me.

Slowly I begin to rise, kissing past his belly button and between his ribs, up over his chest and then back to where I began at his throat. I use just the tip of my tongue to trace a line from his collarbone to his jaw and just as my tongue moves towards his chin he swoops down, almost out of nowhere and claims my tongue and then my lips with his mouth.

As fast as a whip his strong arms are around my waist pulling me into him with such force our hips collide and we both let out a groan. I reach up, pushing my hands into his hair, tangling my fingers into the curls and then tugging as his fingers press desperately into the soft skin of my hips

I lift a leg as he presses his thigh against my centre and I wimper at how good the slightest contact with him feels but before I can move myself against him in search of more contact he spins us around and my back hits my bed with such force the air escapes my chest in a loud puff. Before I can regain my posture his mouth is on mine as his fingers tangle in the buttons of my shirt popping open button after button as his mouth moves to my jaw and then my neck.

Ripping my shirt open he looks down at my lilac coloured bra and I can see the want in his eyes and I imagine it mirroring the desire in my own but he pauses. I see him heaving breath after breath into his chest as he struggles to tear his gaze away from mine

"That's enough for tonight" he says, his voice strained as he pulls my shirt closed to cover my exposed chest. I lean up on my arms and can tell from the display in his pants that's he's not ending it because he doesn't want me... he wants me that's for damn sure but he's dying to be a gentleman, to do the right thing and that's the very least he deserves tonight so i nod my head and then sit up and begin fastening my shirt as he finds his and slips it over his head.

"We have a guest bedroom, you will be safer here"

"I have to go home"

"But why?! Travis it's just one night, I don't want you to go back to that place" he lifts his huge hands and cups my cheek before kissing my lips so softly it's almost as if he hadn't kissed me at all.

"I have to go home. I can't leave. I have to be there when my mom comes home"

"What do you mean?" My voice shakes as the truth behind bis inability to leave begins to sink in

"My mom left but she didn't leave me forever she would never leave me forever, she's going to come back for me and when she does I have to be where she knows where to find me, right where she left me"

Reaching down, he picks up his shoes and puts them on before reaching for his jacket

"Thank you Taylor Swift, for everything"

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