No Matter What Happens, Don't Tell Travis

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Throwing my legs over the side of my bed I take a second to let the dizziness pass and then stretch my arms above my head and smile as every part of me seems to ache but in that good way that only Travis can make my muscles scream.

I reach for my phone and immediately click on the message from my man.

A selfie, his hair is out of control and his lips are fuller than normal and wet 'post sex Trav' is how he's titled it and I can't help but giggle.

Next I click on the message from MJ, she's just checking in, making sure I haven't had any more trouble from a certain drama teacher and I'm happy to type out the reply that I haven't.

Finally I click on Instagram and scroll through my feed liking some of the posts and sharing one or two to my stories. I'm just about to close it down and hop in the shower when one final post catches my attention.

It's a row of wooden desks in a classroom with the word 'detention' written in chalk in the board. My heart grinds to a stop as I look at what's written below it. 'What naughty girls get when they skip school with their loser boyfriends'

He knows!

I shut down my phone and slam it down on to my duvet.

Will he tell my parents?!

Has he already told them?

What about Travis' dad????

I feel my face drain of colour as my brow suddenly becomes damp. I grab my phone and click on Travis' number, he answers after 2 rings

"Hey baby, what's good?"

His voice is light and I can hear the smile on it and I relax slightly

"Everything's good, what about you? Your family? Everyone fine?"

"Everyone's as they always are. Why are you calling me asking weird questions?"

I can hear the frown on his face but I just try and make my voice light, as though everything's fine when everything is most definitely not fine

"I don't know, I just woke up worrying about you. I need to go, I need to take a shower before school"

"Ooh, FaceTime and let me watch?"

"No way you creep" I smile loving how into me physically he is "I'll see you at school"

"Spoil sport"

We say our goodbyes and then hang up. I head to the shower feeling like Mr. Quinn has a noose around my neck and he's beginning to tighten it


I just step one foot into the hallway and I hear his voice against the back of my neck 'My office, just before first period. Come alone or it will only be worse for you' and my blood runs cold. I turn to see him but he moves past me so quickly it's almost as though he was never there, but I can still feel his words imprinted on my skin and I shudder hard, tears beginning to prick my eyes once more.

I hear Travis' voice at the bottom of the hallway and look to see him and Brian play fighting, he looks so happy and carefree, I can't go to him, can't tell him, can't beg him to help me.

I turn to run but instead run straight into MJ. She smiles and starts to speak but then she catches sight of my face. She grabs my cheeks and then my hand and drags me out of the entrance and pushes me against the wall

"What did he do?"

"He wants me in his office before first period"


I nod

"You can't go"

"I can't not go! He says that will only make it worse"


"Help me MJ. Tell me what to do"

"Tell Travis, you have to tell Travis"

"I can't! I promised I would protect him, he's just as at risk from Mr. Quinn as I am. MJ please!!!" I feel the tears begin to fall and I grab her shoulders "what do I do?"

"I don't know!"

She leans her forehead against mine and whispers 'I don't know'

'Taylor Swift to Mr. Quinn's office, Taylor Swift to Mr. Quinn's office' it sounds over the loud speaker like someone condemning me to my death



We hold each other both of our cheeks streaked with tears

"Taylor what's he going to do?"

"I don't know!" My voice comes out like a panicked cry but I raise my hand to my friends face "please, promise you won't tell Travis"


"Promise me MJ"

she grabs me and pulls me close to her sobbing against my shoulder as I sob against hers

"Let's tell the principal, Taylor, please, we have to tell someone"

"We can't, MJ, he will hurt Travis!"

"Travis can look after himself!"

"I promised him that I would look after him and I'm going to do that" I sniff loudly and then wipe my eyes "promise you won't tell him"

MJ grabs me and holds my body tightly against hers

"Taylor I'm scared"

'Taylor Swift to Mr. Quinn's office, Taylor Swift to Mr. Quinn's office'

"So am I" I cry against her "So am I"

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