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That was a long fuckin day!

I walk out of work and begin the short journey to where I left my car, Mrs. Swift on my mind every step of the way.

I can't believe the things I told her, can't believe I expected it to make a blind bit of difference to how either she or I felt about things.

Yes she seemed shocked, who wouldn't be?

You would have to have a heart of fuckin stone to hear some of the shit I have been through and not even flinch, but In the end when I had pretty much begged her for Taylor she had let me go in silence

I fuckin hate silence!

Like when I was a baby and I would cry for attention... silence

When I was 7, being half drowned in the bath and I begged for help... silence

When my mother left, when I listened for the door to open and for her to call my name for months after... silence

And now, I find one good thing, the thing that can heal me, I put myself on the line, share some of the blackness that taints my mind and my memories and what did Taylors mom respond with? Fuckin silence!

I take a couple of deep breaths and then turn the corner and see my car in it's usual space and then I see the figure sat on the hood and my heart jumps in my chest


I grin at her and pick up my speed as she jumps down and grins right back at me. She begins walking to me but just as I cross the road she drops down onto one knee hard

"Tay!" I rush over and take hold of her arm "are you okay? Have you eaten today?!" My voice is panicked but I notice she looks well, her cheeks are pink and her eyes sparkly

"Travis I'm fine"

"Well what are you doing down there? Get up"

"In a minute, don't spoil this"

I release her arm and then look down at her in bewilderment

"Travis Kelce, you are the most beautiful boy, face, soul, body" she wiggles her eyebrows at the last word and I can feel myself blushing, it's been way too long since this girl saw 'my body'

"Thank you baby but people are looking"

"Give me a moment. I spoke to mom and everything is good"

"Good, So can you stand up now?"


"Sorry, you go ahead, flatter my ego all you like I won't say another word"

She clears her throat "As I was saying, you are truly beautiful, mom has given us her her blessing so..." she takes my hand in hers as she remains on one knee and my heart begins to panic

Is she about to propose?!

What the fuck is this girl doing?!!!

"Travis Kelce, will you do me the honour of becoming my boyfriend?... again"

Thank fuuuuuck!!!!

I just remember a human being is supposed to breathe when I notice her taking a ring from her pocket

"You got me a ring?"

"It was my grandpas, Mom gave it to me to give to you as an apology but also as a sign that where ever the Swift family are, you are welcome"

"It's not as easy as that Taylor"

"I know that but she's trying"

I nod knowing 'trying' isn't enough, nothing will ever be enough but that conversation is for a different time

"Your boyfriend hu?" I smile as she begins pushing the ring onto my finger

"If you will have me again" she looks up at me with her big doe eyes and sucks hard on her bottom lip as though she genuinely believes I have a decision to make

"I will say yes on one condition"

"What's that?"

"The next time, it's me down on one knee and it's you saying yes"

She pushes the ring the final distance so it sits snuggly on my finger "deal" she whispers

"Can you stand up now please?"

"Why, am I embarrassing you?"

"No" I shake my head "I haven't kissed you for nearly four months, I can't wait a second longer"

Taylor pushes herself to her feet and wraps her arms tightly around my neck as our chests press flush together "I love you" she whispers

"I love you more" I reply before I close the distance and for the first time since she left me we are together as one, our mouths and tongues and hearts joined and I'm about to make damn sure we are never separated again.


We have been driving around for a while before I pull up beside my apartment "Do you want to come in? Meet Cez? You'll like him"

"I'm sure I will and I really want to see your new home but I can't tonight, I know I didn't say anything earlier but mom and I are going out of town tonight"

There's a hesitancy in her voice but when I look at her she's smiling up at me

"Where are you off to?"


"Tampa?! How come?"

"I just have a thing to do"

"Well I love 'things' and I love Tampa, are you sure I can't drive you, I have some time off work I'm due"

"No" she says it too quickly but again she smiles before sliding her hand to the back of my head and kissing me hard. "We will only be gone a day or two and then when I'm back I think you and I need to 'consummate' our new relationship"

"Consummate eh?" I can't hide the excitement from my voice or my pants

"Tampa first, sex second. Deal?"

"Deal" I tell her and then pull her from her seat so she's straddling me in the drivers seat "just a taste first" I tease, pressing myself against her and loving the moan she lets out

"Tampa first, 'tasting' second" she giggles before moving back to her seat and intertwining our fingers "take me home?"

"I'll take you anywhere you ask" I say kissing her temple and then turning the key

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