Don't Go

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"Come on Kelce! Have a drink, cop a feel of Brit, let's party man!!"

Brian chugs his beer and throws the bottle before immediately lifting another to his lips as I focus on strumming my guitar and ignoring the phone that's burning a hole in my pocket.


Taylor will be so absorbed with the grooming process she won't even have time to think about me sat here at practise surrounded by beer and blonds.

A smile tugs at my mouth as I consider whether she's taken time to hide the mark on her neck or whether she's wearing it with pride.

I think about the college boy hoping to get lucky with her and pulling back her hair to see my mouth has been there first. Then I think about the college boy with his hands on her, touching her soft skin, pushing back her glossy hair that smells like strawberries and I officially lose my mind. I put my guitar on the ground and grab my phone from my jeans pocket. I have notifications on for Taylor on Instagram but there's nothing saying she posted, I click on her profile just in case though.

Nothing new. No pictures of her getting ready, or the dress... fuck! The dress!!! Eva said short, tight, everything on show.

The possessive growl in my throat is misplaced because she isn't my girl but its there, as is the jealousy bubbling in my gut as my mind fills with images of her and college boy in all kinds of different positions but in every single one she's naked and his hands are touching the very parts I'm desperate to touch

I click on MJ and then Eva's profiles but no one has posted anything and that's pissing me off on its own.

"Hey" Britney's hands begin to massage my shoulders whilst her breath warms my ear, the scent of alcohol making my stomach turn "How about we head to the bedroom and I help you relax a little, you seem pretty tense tonight"

Damn right I'm tense but Brit is doing nothing to ease that right now.

Fuck it!

I push Brit away then type out a message, if I'm going to seem like a clingy loser I might as well do it when I'm sober and in charge of exactly how clingy I come across.


3 hours later and Eva, MJ and I are just about ready for our triple date.

My dress is short, as Eva promised Travis it would be but the neck is high and the arms are long

"Taylor please..." MJ begs "just a little more skin, these are college boys"

"Look how short this is"

"But where are the boobs???"

"Ask God, he didn't give me any"

MJ stifles a laugh as my phone beeps showing a message from Travis.

Travis: You ready to go?

Taylor: Almost

Travis: pic of the dress?

Taylor: Why?????

Travis: So I can see what he's getting and I'm not

Taylor: As if you care

Travis: I'm really trying not to believe me. Photo?

Taylor: fine!

*Taylor Swift sent a photo

Travis: holy fuckin mother of God

Taylor: Will he like it?

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