My House Is Not A Home

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"Morning" my mother walks into the kitchen and I jump up from the table putting my 'empty' bowl into the dishwasher and grabbing my backpack

"Did you have a good weekend? We didn't see you much" she sits at the table and begins cutting fruit into a bowl and I feel my stomach curl in disgust.

"Well I went to the party Friday night then spent Saturday with Eva and MJ, we had a sleepover at Eva's because her parents were out of town and then when I got home yesterday I did homework.

"Taylor do you feel okay honey? You look pale" she reaches for my hand to pull me to her but I move away and tighten my grip on my backpack

"I'm fine, I'm probably just tired from studying so much"

"So how was the party?"


My mom pops a piece of apple in her mouth and I feel my jaw tense at the sound

"And your date? He was very cute Taylor" in goes another piece of apple and my tummy turns

"Cute and a complete asshole"

"We saw someone else dropping you home, who was that?"

"Travis, just a guy from school"

"A very handsome guy from school. Are you going to go out with him?"

"No! I barely know him, my date was a dick and then Travis walked me home, that's it. He will probably never speak to me again" as I say those words my father opens the front door and walks in with our dog Thunder.

"Taylor, there's a young man waiting at your car for you"

"Who is it?" I ask in a panic, straining to see "Is it Johan, the guy that picked me up for the party on Friday?" My father must sense my concern because his face changes from carefree to full of parental concern

"Tall, over 6ft easily, brown hair, black jeans that look a little too tight for him if I'm being honest, you might want to suggest he buy a bigger size. Do I need to go out there and have a word?"

"No daddy, i think it's Travis" my mind unravels at that thought. What the hell is Travis Kelce doing at my house at 8am on a Monday morning?

"Travis that brought you home Friday night?" My mother asks pushing herself to her feet and wiping her hands on her apron before looking out of the door to where a very anxious looking Travis is now standing with 3 members of the Cabello family all looking out the front door at him. I see him grimace a little and then lift his hand to wave awkwardly

"Hey Taylor" he blushes and it's the sweetest thing I ever saw in my life.

"Taylor invite him in"

"God no mom!"

"Ale Taylors date went wrong on Friday and this young man walked her all the way home to make sure she got here safely, tell him to come in I want to thank him"

"Daddy no!"

"Travis is it? Get in here for a second son" my dad shouts and I see Travis look around as though he's looking for an escape route but my mom is out the door and across the grass, linking her arm with his and practically dragging him towards our house as my face burns so hot I'm sure I might burst into flames at any minute


What the fuck?

One second I was stood at Taylors car, trying to decide whether I had made the right or wrong decision turning up here this morning, the next thing I know there's three Swift faces staring at me like I'm some kind of alien life form and now I'm being dragged across their lawn and into the house and mother of God it smells good.

I don't even notice everyone gawping at me for a second as I take in all the different scents. Food cooking, newly cut fruit, coffee brewing and... is that laundry???? Who the fuck knew laundry smelt so good? I close my eyes and just allow myself to get lost in the wholesome smells of The Swift home.

Through the thick scents I hear a man's voice and I open my eyes again to see who i assume to be Camilas mom and dad deep in conversation and my mind swirls out of control as I become lost to the thoughts that this is what my home should be like.

My mom and dad blabbering away in Portuguese whilst breakfast cooks and the coffee brews. My clothes should smell of that heavenly thing I now know laundry to be but its not. My home is not a home and it never has been and that forces me to close off the part of my mind that had been lost in a daydream and replace it with the cold hard reality of my life. So I straighten my spine, tense my jaw and shoot Taylor a look that asks her 'what the fuck is going on'.

"Son..." her father steps forward and holds out his hand to me, "Taylor is my most treasured possession I can only thank you for bringing her home safe to us on Friday night".

My throat tightens and my eyes burn as he shakes my hand and looks up at me with genuine gratitude and for a second I don't know what to do with myself, I'm not convinced I can keep a hold of my self anymore.

'Son...' that word reverberates through my entire being. 1 word, 3 letters and in it everything I have always wanted to be and everything I have never been.

"Take a seat"

Before I can object, Taylors mom has pushed me down onto a wooden seat and is pouring me coffee and it smells more beautiful and rich than any I have ever smelt before in my life.

" Mom please, Travis and I have to get to school"

"You have time. Have you eaten Travis? I just made pancakes and cut some fresh fruit can I get you a plate?"


I look to Taylor and I almost feel like I'm begging her with my eyes, let me stay, let me have this moment, this one moment in amongst your family and she recognises it immediately as I knew she would because as always she sees me"

"Uh, yes please Mrs. Swift m'am" her soft hands take me by the face and look deep into my eyes and I'm almost afraid she will see the darkness and shame that lies at the very core of me. The truth of who I really am.

"Please, call me Andrea" she let's me go and I almost want to call her back and beg for the contact again but I say nothing except stare blindly at my coffee as I hear Andrea start plating up my food.

"So Mendez hu? Mexicano?" Asks her father as he sits next to me and pours himself a coffee

"Dad it's with an s"

"Portuguese!" I state and then blush when I realise how overly proud I sounded saying that

"Ah, Portuguese from Portugal?" I nod "beautiful country, beautiful people, we took Taylor there when she was just little"

My head snaps up to Taylor "You've been to Portugal?!"

"Yes. Haven't you?"

"I'm saving up!" Again I speak too enthusiastically and I internally face palm myself for acting like such a loser in front of Taylor and her family.

"Here" Andrea Swift places a plate in front on me and I have never seen anything like it in my life. Pancakes with cut fruit, cream and honey. Compared to the black coffee I normally call breakfast I feel like a king. "Are you busy tonight Travis?"

I look to Taylor in a panic, not sure what's coming next and she encourages me to say I am but I'm too eager to find out what Andrea is asking for so I go for middle ground

"I'm not sure yet. Why do you ask?"

"I was going to suggest Taylor bring you home for dinner and we could hunt out the photos we have from Portugal, let you get a taste of what you will experience when you head over there"

"Mom, I'm sure Travis is busy tonight, he's a popular guy, right Trav?"

"Actually I'm free, I will look forward to it" I duck my head to avoid making eye contact with Taylor and then dig in to the most delicious meal I have ever had in my life. My tastebuds singing as my chest begins to bulge and for once I ignore the fear building in my gut

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