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I followed her inside. The place had a older look to it but seemed to be popular. McGonagall guided me through the place. I saw a platinum blonde man and a two toned woman with black and platinum hair sitting with three boys. One with platinum hair looking my age, a second with brown curly hair just like mine; also my age and a older boy around 13 with wavy hair and a blank expression.

I caught the woman's eye as we walked past the back door. She sputtered out some of her drink looking at me. The blonde boy gave her a napkin. She slapped the oldest man's shoulder and tilted her head to us while whispering something.

Once we were through the door, McGonagall tapped a brick five times. The once wall became a passageway with a hole in it. "Welcome Y/n to Diagon Alley," We walked through to see people running through the streets.

There were shops of cauldrons listing every one they had. I looked around in every direction hoping I could take it all in, the shops, things outside, the people, and bright colors. As the walked down the streets there were animals; Owls, cats, toads and so much more, hair salon, writing shops, book shops, and ice cream shops. There were kids my age looking at a broom on display;which I guess was for flying.

"Alright I have about three hours worth of time to shop. How about I get your books for you and you get your robes. Then we need to get you a cell phone for school. All of your assignments get uploaded onto it for classes. You can add contacts to it for friends though it won't work outside of Hogwarts as it will be an older model. Then we can get the rest of the supplies and your wand," said McGonagall stopping beside a clothing store

"Sounds good," I smiled while looking around processing what she said,"A phone? Wow I never had a phone before,"

"Well it won't be an extremely expensive phone but a iphone 5," she said smiling at me

"I'm fine with that,"I smiled

She opened the door for me and I walked inside,"Hogwarts student?" said a women with a name tag of Madam Malkin looking up from a table. I nodded,"Come come stand on this,"she pointed to a stool.

I got onto the stool and she began measuring me. I looked around the shop to see many things moving on their own. Scissors cutting cloth on a table. Brooms sweeping the floor. Dusters dusting off bookcases of cloths.

"Nervous dear?" asked Madam Malkin

"A little,"I nodded

"What's your name so I can place it on the seam of your uniform?"

"Y/n Riddle,"

She smiled as the bell rung out. I looked to see the same two boys around my age from the Leaky Cauldron walk in with two expensive looking phones.

"Hogwarts dears?" asked Madam Malkin

"Yes," said the blonde snarked not even looking up from his phone

"Stand on the stool please," she pointed to the two stools on either side of me,"This young girl is going to Hogwarts as well,"

They both stood on their respective stools. I continued to look forward as Madam Malkin sent to measurements over to the clothing,"Wait here dear," she told me before moving onto the blonde boy

"You look familiar," said the brown curly headed boy looking at me

"Probably from the leaky cauldron," I explained,"I walked through there and saw you,"

"You were with a older women," said the blonde looking at me rudely,"My mother was staring at you. Malfoy, Draco Malfoy,"

I nodded at the boy,"Yes I was with Professor McGonagall,"

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now