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I just finished my last exam for the year. I turned in my text to Professor Binns who was sitting at his desk. I returned to my seat to see Hermione reading her Hogwarts; A history book in the row in front of me. Lavender Brown the girl next to here struggling. Pansy struggling beside me. I looked around the classroom to see mostly all the students were struggling with the test.

As the last few students finished their exams, Professor Binns reminded us to keep quiet as others were still working. I opened my coloring book and started to color in a page of a magical creature.

Pansy stood up from her seat to turn in her exam with Tracey who also finished. I looked to see that all of the boys from our group beside Mattheo was finished and talking quietly

"Can I steal a coloring page from you?" Pansy asked, leaning over to look at my book as she sat down.

"Sure," I replied, handing her one of the pages and moving some of my color pencils and markers closer to her. "Which one do you want to do?"

Pansy looked through the pages and picked out a unicorn one. She sat down next to me and started coloring while I continued with my own page.

Slowly, more students started turning in their tests and joining us in our quiet activities. Some were reading books, others were drawing or writing, and a few were napping on their desks.

I glanced over at Hermione who was still focused on her history book. She had always been such a diligent student, even during times like this when we were allowed to relax. But I wouldnt change it for the world.

After what seemed like hours, Professor Binns finally announced that time was up and collected the rest of the exams from those who were still working on them. He then dismissed us for lunch, reminding us that our grades would be posted outside his classroom tomorrow morning.

Pansy let out a sigh of relief as she closed her coloring book. "That test was brutal," she said, stretching her arms above her head.

"I know," I agreed with a nod. "But at least it's over now."

I stepped outside of the classroom and waited for all of my friends.
"I bet I failed that test," said Mattheo,"I didnt know anything on it,"

"Probably because you slept through 90 percent of the test Matt," I laughed as we walked

"Shut u—"he started but was cut off when Professor Snape called our names

"Ms.Riddle, Mr.Riddle, Mr.Malfoy,"

Mattheo, Draco and I turned around to see Professor Snape and Tom at the end of the hallway. We all looked at each other confused

"Come here," said Snape

We bid our good-byes to our friends who were just as confused as we were. We headed to Professor Snape,"Is everything alright?" I asked concerned

"Come with me," Snape drawled out turning around letting his robe brushed against out feet

I looked at Tom who seemed stoak as usual. We all followed Professor Snape to the head masters office,"What did you three do?" snapped Tom behind us

"Nothing," I said,"Well I didnt do nothing. Dont know about these two idoits,"

"Hey!" said Mattheo

"QUIET!" snapped Snape

We all remained quiet as we headed up the stairs to the headmasters office. Snape rapped on the door and their was a soft come in from Dumbledore.

We all walked in and saw Madam Rivers, a man in a bowler hat, Narcissa and Lucius.

"Hello boys. Hello Y/n," smiled Narcissa walking to us,"Your last exams go well?"

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now