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I watched the Gryffindor versus Slytherin game very closely as I cheered with the girls. Everytime Enzo would plan on hitting a bludger it flew the other way without being touched which was very weird. 

The girls and I were able to lift Daphne for our performance at the game. We caught Daphne as we continue to cheer for when the Slytherins Chasers scored points. As some of the girls began to do flips. I hope soon I'll be able to flip just like them as the older girls have been working on it with us. 

I watched as a bludger followed Draco and Harry around the field and under the seating. I couldn't hold Daphne up and we started to fall down a bit as Harry crashed onto the field,"I can't hold her much longer," I told Pansy 

"Same here. Daphne we need to drop you. We will catch you," she tried to say loudly as the Slytherins all boo'd 

Tracey helped us lower Daphne but Daphne freaked out and made us fall over. I felt a pain in my wrist as Daphne landed on me. 

"Oh I didn't know you girls were dropping me," said Daphne getting off of me,"Are you alright Y/n?" 

"I think so. You?" I said rolling over

"Yeah---Oh my god. Y/n your wrist is black and blue!" she looked at it as Kennedy helped me up 

"Its just a broken wrist," said Kennedy looking at my wrist gentle,"Great job with the cheer today girls. The ground was shaking due to the Slytherin groans so its none of your fault that you collapsed. Y/n go get that wrist fixed," 

I nodded,"Will you girls bring my stuff down to the common room?"

"Of course," said Pansy

"I'll head up with you. I hit my shoulder on one of the benches and it doesn't feel right," said Tracey moving her shoulder 

"I'll take both of your stuff with us," said Pansy

"Thanks girls," said Tracey as we walked off. 

I saw Harry arm bent half,"What happened to you?" I asked as we walked up the hill. The Gryffindor team right behind him

"Lockhart tried to heal my arm but made his bone disappear," said Fred,"What about you?" 

"I think I broke my wrist," I told him,"The Slytherins were shaking the benches and the girls and I lost our grip on Daphne and we all fell,"

He nodded as I was heard mine and Traceys name called. We stopped and turned around to see Mattheo and Enzo running up to us away from our friends who were going down to the common room. 

"What happened to you two?" asked Mattheo

"Cheer accident," said Tracey,"We will be alright just go down to the common room. We shouldn't be more then an hour or so---"

"How did you two get injured," asked Enzo

"Look boys. We will tell you later. We are very hurt and need fixin up," I told them holding my hand which was throbbing from pain and I tried not to show it 

"Y/n that looks bad," said Mattheo looking at my hand

"Its feels worse then it looks," I told him as I climbed the stairs

"Mattheo lets just head back down. They will be at the common room," Enzo pulled Mattheos arm away


"You can see her later," he said lowly 

Tracey and I looked at each other as we walked upstairs. We got into the hospital wing. I saw Hermione sitting with Ron and Harry. 

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now