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I heard a squeal,"PUT ME DOWN!"

I opened my eyes to see Draco, Mattheo and Lorenzo caring Pansy, Daphne and Lauryn. I stood up before Blaise could get me,"No no NO B Please NO!" I begged as he walked over to me

He smirked as I was outside,"Alright,"

I felt arms around my waist and I screamed being lifted up. I grabbed the persons arm who grabbed me. 

"Let me go!" I said loudly as Theodore picked up Tracey

Just as they were about to throw me inside I pulled them in with me. They wrapped their arm around my waist pulling me close to them. We got to the surface to see the girls getting out of the water. They were covering their tops as we didn't have bras on because of sleep.

I turned around to see Lorenzo. I splashed him with water,"Your an ass," I groaned

"Thank you beautiful," he flirted as his hair was past his ears growing longer. His jaw looked so sharp. He looked so hot! Stop it you got a boyfriend. 

 I rolled my eyes at him as I felt blush creeping up. I headed out of the pool and to the pool house,"Give us a few minutes," I looked at the boys while covering myself up

The girls started to groan about the boys and talk about how they were having good dreams. I got dressed into a clean pair of swimsuits, leggings and a baggy shirt.

I looked at my phone seeing 26 miscalls from Cedric and 45 text messages from just this morning. I showed my phone to the girls,"Obsessive much!" I groaned

"Yeah he is," said Pansy looking at it.

"He needs to cool it," said Daphne looking over my shoulder

I felt my phone vibrating as the girls were around me. I saw Cedric calling; I answered it

Me:What do you want? I am having a girls day

Cedric:Good Morning darling. Just checking in on you. How are you today?

Me:I'm fine Ced. You know I am with my girls today. The boys crashed it.

Cedric:I will let you have your fun. Please don--

Me:Don't tell me what to wear or do

I said loudly over the phone as the girls exited the pool house they left the door open.

Me:I am my own person. Your just an insecure little bitch that doesn't want to fight to keep me so you just want me to wear whatever you want me to wear.

Cedric: I do want to fight to keep you but I don't want to get into a fight darling. I am worried about you

Me:Cedric when was the last time you took me on a date and spoiled me

Cedric: I don't remember but it had to have been recently

Me: That was almost 2 months ago Ced. Ever since you got me you have not made the effort to keep me. I am getting tired seeing Cho flawk all around you with her thinking you are single. Either you show me you want me and want to be with me for not just my body which by the way seems like all you want but for me. My mind, personality and more need to be a factor

Cedric: I do like you a lot more than just your body!

I could hear the shakiness of his voice

Me:Alright then what's my favorite color

Cedric: I don't know. Green maybe or brown.

Me:Its f/c Cedric. What's my favorite meal?

Cedric: Butterbeer

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now