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Before it is not December. Time has been flying very quickly these past few months. I have talked with Cedric and we are civil. I had painted a picture of the waterfall room because its beautiful and hung it up in my room. 

I still really like Lorenzo and it has grown a lot more. His voice has gotten deeper as his Adams apple shows a lot more while he talks. When he wears short sleeve shirts the veins on his arms show a lot which makes my stomach twist. One time Mattheo had splashed the boys with water and Lorenzo got the brunt of it and his white shirt stuck to his body; Merlin that boy is ripped. A fucking 6 pack with so much muscle. 

As for my friends relationships and crushs. Daphne has admitted she really likes Mattheo and made sure it was okay with Tracey who said they'd be cute together. Tracey made sure it was okay with her to like Theodore and Daphne said Im over him boo get that dick. 

 I know Mattheo would never admit it but he likes Daphne as well I can see the way he looks at her but he likes not being 'tied' down. Pansy and Draco are with their own again and off again relationship; its currently on. 

Blaise took Luna on a date even though I don't think Luna thought it was a date because her mind is in the clouds but that's what Blaise needs. Blaise is a down to earth guy but he has a stick up his ass and Luna shows him how to loosen up. Lorenzo and Jordan are still struggling with their relationship; they have good moments and bad; more so bad lately which Lorenzo has been coming to me for advice or to Theodore who just says 'Dump her'. 

Tracey and Theodore have gone to the movies together and on a few little friendly dates. Theodore even told me he threw away his black book because of her. I know Draco and Mattheo have black books which pains me. I've asked Tom if he has one and he says he doesn't and threw his out after the incident with me last year. Tom has been talking to a girl with long black hair and bright blue eyes; I know he is head over heels for her and literally does anything she asks him. She is in Slytherin as well but stays to herself. Not to many friends. Hermione and Ginny still like Ron and Harry but they are idiots. 

I sat with Hermione as we were talking and working on our homework. I felt eyes on us and noticed Krum stalking beside a shelf as many girls were near him trying to get his attention. I looked at him as he was looking right at Hermione.

"Krum is looking at you," I smirked

She raised her head,"What?" she said confused

"Viktor Krum. Durmstrang Champion, Bulgaria Seeker. The best seeker in the world is staring at my best friend Hermione Jean Granger," I spoke exaggerating it

She blushed,"Where?"

"Behind you?" I nodded towards Krum

She turned her head to look at Krum. Krum quickly turned away and pretended looking for a book awkwardly. I chuckled as Hermione flushed and continued her work. I continued with mine.

"ATTENTION STUDENTS!" said Dumbledore over the speaker causing everyone to jump from the sudden noise. Some people dropped their books or spilt the inks causing Madam Pince to groan,"Will all Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students please go to your Head Mistresses and Head Misters at the carriage and ship," there was a pause as students began to pack their things,"As for Hogwarts students from 4th year and above. Please go to your head of houses classrooms. Your head of House will direct you from there," there was another pause,"Thank you," before a loud screech as it ended 

I looked at Hermione confused,"Okay then," I shurgged grabbing my stuff. I packed my stuff neatly inside the folders. I headed out of the library and waved to Hermione. I walked through the dungeons to see the Slytherin students crowding around. I weaved my way through the crowd to find my friends. I found the and ducked under two 7th year arms who were talking loudly

"Where were you? I though you were in your room studying," said Daphne

"Oh I got over whelmed in my room so I went to the library," I explained

She nodded,"I feel that. I like to go to the Astronomy tower to do homework when my room feels like a lot," 

"Follow me," Snape said angrily

"Who pissed him off?"whispered Pansy

"Your mum," I giggled making our friends laugh and a few others around us

I felt an arm around my shoulder and looked to see Lorenzo. We followed Snape to a empty classroom.

"Girls over there," Snape pointed to the right,"Boys over there," he pointed to the left

As everyone made their way into the room Snape slammed the door closed making everyone jump,"SIT DOWN!" he bellowed

We all took our seats immediately. I looked at the girls,"Who fucked up?" I whispered

"The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament," he walked forward away from the record player."Since its inception," his cold eyes looked around the room as everyone gave confused looks. 

"On Christmas eve night, we and our guests gather in the Great hall for a night of well-mannered foolishness . As representative of the host school, I expect each and every one of you to bring your best foot forward. I mean this literally because the Yule Ball is first and foremost....a dance," 

All the girls began talking and whispering. The boys groaned and some cussed. 

"A dance! Imma look so hot," whispered Pansy 

"I don't know what color dress!" said a older girl behind us.

"Silence!"Snape bellowed loudly. Everyone went quite"The house of Salazar Slytherin has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly 10 centuries. I will not have you in the course of a single evening blacken that name by behaving like slippery slimy simple-minded salturing snakes,"

"Now I know all of you have been to a pure-blood party so you know how to dance respectfully and maturely unlike your parties," he looked around the room,"Gather in the center and partner up," the girls and I looked at each other giggling as we stood up. 

"BOYS STAND NOW!" yelled Snape 

The boys stood up and walked over to the girls,"Care to dance?" I looked up to see Pucey

"Sure," I nodded taking his hand. 

He took me out to where people were dancing. I placed my hand on his shoulder and met his other in the air.  

"Haven't really talked since..." 

"Flint kicked me off the quidditch team?" 

"Yeah," he nodded,"He was wrong for that. You should have been able to play you were the best on the team," 

"Thanks," I flushed looking away. 

"Dismissed," called Snape

We seperated and nodded at one another. The girls ran to me and squealed,"Theodore asked me to the dance," Tracey gawked 

"Draco just asked me,"said Pansy as we walked to the common room. 

"What color dresses do you all want?" I asked them

"I think I'm going to go with a yellow dress," said Tracey

"I'm going with a Pink," said Pansy 

We headed up to my room and texted Hermione to come down after she was done with McGonagall. Soon Hermione sat on the bed and we began talking about the Yule ball. 

"I really hope Mattheo asks me," said Daphne holding my pillow laying on my bed 

"I hope Ron asks me," said Hermione pushing her bushy hair back slightly 

"Ron and Mattheo are complete idiots if they don't ask you," I spoke

"Who do you want to ask you?" asked Pansy to me 

"Well um....the person I want to ask me is in a relationship," I said truthfully 

"Which is?" asked Tracey

"Someone," I smiled

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now