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Its been a really crazy month. We celebrated Enzos and Tracey 13th birthday with a celebration. I joked around with Enzo as we celebrated. I had made a painting of camera for Enzo as he loves taking photos. I painted Tracey a pom-pom as she loved watching every house cheer at quidditch games as well as cheering.

I was on my way to Lockharts dueling club after Colin Creevey got petrified the night of the quidditch match. I headed into the Great Hall and met up with my friends on the side. I was talking to my friends when Lockhart spoke up walking onto the stage.

"Gather Round! Gather Round!" yelled Lockhart"Can everybody see me? Can everybody hear me?" He walked down the tables set up as the stage.

"In light of the dark events of recent weeks, Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little dueling club to train you all up in case you ever need to defend yourselves as I myself have done on countless occasions. For full details see my publish works," said Lockhart gleefully

"Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape," Snape walked onto the table to meet Lockheart. I looked at my friends with a smirk

"Snape's going to knock him down," whisper Blaise

"Hell yeah he is," said Theo quietly while we leaned on the back wall

"He has sportingly agreed to help me with a short demonstration. Now, I don't want any of you youngsters to worry. You'll still have your Potions Master when I'm through with him. Never Fear,"

"Hopefully we'll have our Defense teacher when Snapes done with him,"I said lowly making Pansy and Daphne spit out their drinks trying to stifle their laughs

They faced one another and raise their wands to their faces before bowing and walking away and taking their stances."1...2.......3" said Lockhart

"Expelliarmus!" yelled Snape. Lockhart went flying backward from the spell. I laughed with my friends as I overheard Hermione speaking with Ron a few people down.

"Do you think he's all right?" asked Hermione

"Who cares," said Ron

"An excellent idea to show them that, Professor Snape but if you don't mind me saying it was pretty obvious what you were about to do. If I wanted to stop you it would have been only too easy," said Lockhart confidently

"Bull," said Mattheo rolling his eyes

"Perhaps it would be prudent to first teach the students to block unfriendly spells....Professor," Drawled Snape

"An excellent suggestion Professor Snape.Well...Let's have a volunteer pair..uh Mr. Weasley, and Mr. Potter Come up here," said Lockhart

"Weasleys wand cause devastation with the simplest spells. We'll be sending Mr.Potter to the hospital wing in a matchbox. How about Mr.Potter and someone from my own house," said Snape "Riddle perhaps,"

"Which one?" Mattheo, Tom and I asked together

As I looked around I saw every year in the Great hall all together from first to seventh. Snape looked at the three of us,"Y/n Riddle,"

I smirked at my brothers dropping my bag on the floor.

I jumped onto the stage, and we walked to each other. All my friends pushed up to the front of the stage. As I got my wand ready

"Wands at the ready!" they raised their wands.

"Scared Harry?,"I said playfully.

"You wish," said Harry cockily.

I smiled as we lowered our wands and backed up and took our stances. I winked at Enzo who was looking at both of us as Pansy was video taping us

Lockhart spoke loudly behind Harry"On the count of 3 cast your charms to disarm your opponent. Only to disarm. We don't want any accidents here. One...Two...Three,"

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now