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Its been a month since Lorenzo and I have started our little pact. We have snuck around really well. No one knows beside Theodore, Daphne and Hermione. I have been really happy since this has started. Sometimes Lorenzo brings me little candies, flowers and other things when we meet up. 

I woke up to my alarm going off. I opened my eyes to look at the time 8:05. Shit I'm late. I quickly grabbed my robes and shoes getting changed. I pushed my hair into a messy bun before grabbing my bag at 8:10.

I ran throughout the hallways to get to Charms class. I walked inside

"Your late Miss.Riddle," said Flitwick looking at me

"Sorry professor. I overslept," I said sheepishly

"Detention tonight with me," he spoke

"Yes sir," I nodded sitting next to Pansy,"Thanks for waking me up," I muttered

"Sorry but I was running late as well,"

I started the notes in class. We began our wand work for the charm when I heard a loud bang. I turned around to see Lorenzo with black on his face as the teacup in front of him was broken into pieces,"Detention Mr.Berkshire for using the explosion charm and not the shrinking charm,"

"Sorry Professor," said Lorenzo rubbing the smoke off his face,"It's not my fault that the incantation are so similar,"

After class, Mattheo wrapped his arm around my shoulder,"I don't think you have ever been late to class. Turning over a new leaf?"

"No I was up late painting last night," I explained yawning

We headed into our next class. I sat down in Defense. Lorenzo sat beside me. I looked at him confused,"Painting huh?" he winked

I flushed. The truth is Lorenzo and I were making out in my room until 3am last night. But it wasn't all just making out. We were watching movies and hanging out mostly.

"Oh shush," I playfully glared as he smirked

Moody started to teach. He always give me the creeps. Today was even more as his glass eye scanned over Mattheo and I looking at us closely. I bit my lip looking down. Could he know who my father is? Is he making sure we aren't like him?

Once class was over we headed out to lunch. I didn't feel like eating so I just told my friends I'd meet them in Herbology. I felt an anxiety attack coming on as well.

I headed to the waterfall room. The sound of the water crashing down calmed me as I sat on the edge with my feet in the water. I felt my heart beating faster

"You alright Y/n?"

I turned my head to see Cedric sitting down on a bench. He must have realized I was having an anxiety attack as he came over and held my shoulder,"Hey Hey hey look at me. Count backwards from ten," he wiped a tear that slipped down my cheek


"Great job keep going,"

"7...6...5...4"I breathed

"You are doing fantastic Y/n,"

"3...2...1" I felt calmer as my anxiety attack went away

He hugged me tightly knowing I like pressure after an attack. We stay silent for a while in the hug.

"Are you Okay?" he asked pulling

I nodded,"Moody gives me the creeps a lot,"

"He gives everyone the creeps," Cedric replied

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now