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As I walked down the hall towards the exit, my eyes were suddenly drawn to a bullentin board beside the charms classroom. A bright red sign with bold white letters caught my attention:


Curiosity tugged at me as I noticed the long list of names already scribbled on the sheet. Without hesitation, I added my name before heading out into the crisp air outside. Enzo was sitting on the grass, his books scattered around him. I sat next to him and greeted him with a smile.

"Hey Enzo," I said.

"Hey Fire," he replied, using the nickname he had given me for my ability. I couldn't help but feel fondness for it.

"How's your history of magic essay coming along?" I asked.

"Horrible," he groaned jokingly. "Wanna trade assignments?" He knew Astronomy was my favorite subject and that I could use some help.

I chuckled. "No, but I'll help you."

"Thank you," he said gratefully as I moved closer and took a look at his parchment.

"You're writing is really quite terrible, Enzo," I teased.

"Shut up," he rolled his eyes playfully.

"Never," I smiled, making him blush.

Together, we worked on his essay for an hour outside, enjoying the warm sun and fresh breeze. As we finished up, Enzo suggested helping me with Astronomy in return. He showed me his star map and pointed out where each star and planet should be placed.

"That's where you need to put the star Saiph," he said

"Hey my middle name!" I smiled brightly

"Y/n Saiph Riddle?" he asked with a grin.

I nodded proudly. "Yep."

"Nice!" he exclaimed.

Suddenly, McGonagall's voice cut through our conversation. "Mr. Berkshire, Miss Riddle. Please come inside."

We quickly gathered our things and made our way back inside. As we gasped for breath, McGonagall reminded us of curfew in 10 minutes.

Enzo and I exchanged a look before rushing off to our respective dormitories to finish our assignments.

"Thank you, bye!" I smiled, feeling the rush of adrenaline as Enzo and I sprinted towards the Slytherin common room. The cool air whipped past us, tickling our cheeks, while our feet pounded against the hard stone floors. As we burst through the entrance to the common room, both of us gasping for breath, I leaned against Enzo's strong shoulder, unable to contain our laughter.

"Meci," I managed to say between giggles, "Merci à McGonagall de nous avoir informés du couvre-feu."(Thanks to McGonagall for letting us know about the curfew.)

My voice echoed off the walls of the dark and cozy common room, with its low ceilings and plush furniture. The warm glow of firelight danced across our faces as we made our way down the spiral staircase, still catching our breath from our late night escapade

"Oui, nous aurions eu beaucoup d problemes," said Enzo wrapping his arm around my shoulder
(Yes we would have been in lots of trouble)

"Where have you two been?" asked Mattheo looking at us

"Outside," I said simply

"Cosa hai baciato?" teased Theo looking at Enzo
(Did you kiss?)

"No Theo, non ci siamo baciati," I said sitting next to Enzo taking out my Astronomy assignment
(No Theo, we did not kiss)

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now