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I had just finished my charms class and bid my good-byes to Hermione. I walked with Daphne as we had no more classes today and tonight would be the Halloween feast. She was showing me how to use a skateboard

"Where have you been every morning? You always disappear," she said guiding me

"Oh its nothing,"I said. Truthfully I have been trying to figure out why Tom is obsessed with me. I felt a vibration in my phone. I pulled out my phone to see a text message from Hermione


Girls bathroom on the first floor please

"Daphne come with me to the bathroom," I said grabbing her wrists jumping off the skateboard

"Okay," she nodded grabbing the board

I ran to the restroom and heard crying in the stall,"Mione?" I asked knocking on a door. 

Hermione opened the door and I saw her red bloodshot eyes,"Ron said I don't have any friends," 

"That's not true,"I said walking in and hugging her tightly,"You have me," 

"And me," said Daphne firmly. 

I comforted her with Daphne. I felt my phone vibrate and opened it up while hugging Hermione. 


Yo, where r u and Daph?
Dinners already started

I'm not going to dinner
Daphne's going now

You good?

Its Hermione she needs me rn


"I'll bring you two dinner," said Daphne after I let her know. 

I nodded holding Hermione as she cried a little. After about 30 minutes Hermione was ready to get some food

"Come on Hermione. We gotta eat a little food before it's gone," I said with my arm wrapped over Hermione shoulder. 

We walked out of the stall to see an 18-foot troll, and we screamed. The troll grunted at us with a weird look. It raised its bat, and we walked back into the stall as it hit the stalls. I grabbed Hermione and we fell to the ground in screams. The troll destroyed the stalls. The door came slamming open, and I looked over to see Harry and Ron. 

"Hermione, Y/n Move," yelled Harry.

We began to crawl under the other stalls at the troll hit again,"HELP" we screamed. 

The boys started to through wood pieces at the troll to get his attention,"HEY PEA BRAIN," yelled Ron throwing a piece of wood at the troll's face. It gave enough time for Hermione to crawl over to the sinks and hide under them. I saw about to crawl but the bat came flying down on the stalls hitting my back. I groaned loudly as I heard Hermione yell my name. I looked at her through the rubble

Harry and Ron took out their wands. Harry ran at the troll and grabbed its club swinging and landing on the troll's shoulder. The club barely missed his head when it swung down.  To Hermione as the troll began to try and swing Harry off as he grabbed the bat. I tried to move but couldn't Hermione looked at me worried

Harry's wand came into the troll's nose "Ew," said Hermione. 

 The troll began to swing Harry off and grabbed his leg "Harry" Hermione yelled 

"DO something," said Harry as the bat swung down and missed him 

"What?" asked Ron

"ANYTHING!" she yelled as Harry missed the club again. 

"Hurry up," yelled Harry again

"Swish and flick," said Hermione as Ron pointed his wand

"Wingardium leviosa," said Ron and the club went high up into the air out of the troll's hand.

 The club came falling back down and onto the troll's head"Cool," said Ron. The troll stumbled and around, and Harry quickly moved out of the way with my help before it landed on the ground. Hermione stood up and went to me moving some of the rubble away. 

"Is it Dead?"asked Ron as Hermione helped me up I groan and she stopped

 "I don't think so just knocked out," said Harry. 

Harry pulled his wand out of the troll's nose, "Ew Troll Boogeys" said Ron

The next second Professor Mcgonagall, Quirell, and Snape,"Oh, Oh my goodness," said Mcgonagall "Explain yourselves, the both of you," she looked at the boys.

"Well what it is-" started Harry

"Its my fault Professor McGonagall," said Hermione. I looked at everyone in shock

"Miss Granger," stutter McGonagall

"I went looking for the troll. I'd read about them and thought I could hand it," said Hermione"But I was wrong. If Harry, Ron, and Y/n hadn't come and found me, I'd probably be dead."

"Y/n?" asked Snape 

"Over here,"I groaned waving my hand

McGonagall gasped as Snape told Quirrell to get Madam Pomfrey. She spoke to the others and we each got 5 points. Madam Pomfey came in with a bed and Snape as well as her lifted me up,"This is just a percaution. We dont know if you back is broken or bruised," she explained

I waved to Hermione as they carried me to the Hospital wing. Snape left to the Slytherin Common rooms as he needed to count all the heads of students there. Madam Pomfrey checked my back and sigh in releif,"You will just have a nasty bruise for a few weeks. Looks like the rumble took most of the blow from the troll," she explained slowly helping me sit up.

"Alright rest for tonight no more fighting trolls," she smiled wrapping a bandage around my torso to keep me from hurting

"No promises," I chuckled getting up

I headed down to the Slytherin common room. I walked in and headed downstairs and saw everyone looking at me. Pansy, Tracey and Daphne ran up to me,'What the hell happen to you?" asked Pansy looking at the dirt on my face looking at the bandage

"Attacked by a troll,"I shrugged walking in

"What!" said Daphne,"You were attacked by the troll!" 

"Yeah,"I nodded sitting down on the couch

"You seem so calm about it like its a daily occurrence," said Mattheo shocked

I explained everything that happened. Tom came down the stairs and looked right at me before walking over,"Who did it?" he asked angrily surprising me

"A troll," I told him,"I was with Hermione when a troll came into the restroom," I stood up"Anyways I am going to go shower,"

My friends looked dumbfounded as I walked up to the stairs. 

W/C 1005

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now