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The days leading up to Christmas at Hogwarts was quite interesting. Crabbe and Goyle were acting very weird asking questions about the chamber of Secrets to Draco. I was fed up with them so I just headed to Hermione but couldn't find her in the usual spot in the library.


I threw the book I was reading last night right at Mattheos head,"Go away,"

"Ow what was that for?" he glared

"You woke me up for sleep," I glared back turning to the other side.

"ITS CHRISTMAS!" Draco yelled jumping on my bed.

Midnight hissed at him as she ran to her area in the room. Mattheo grabbed my covers off my body and threw them across the room. I groaned into my pillow,"TOM Make them go away," I said as I knew he was at the door

"Nope. Get up Y/n. Its christmas. We gotta open presents," he shook his head.

I groaned sitting up pushing Draco off my bed making him land on the floor with his feet,"Ten minutes,"

Tom grabbed their arm and pull them out of my room. I got up and looked at my clock 5:41am,"Its to early to be alive,"I groaned pulling my bed head into a messy bun. I grabbed my phone and fed Midnight before heading downstairs.

"You took forever..." complained Mattheo already separated the presents into piles

I notice they were further from the christmas tree. Barely any students had stayed over the holidays. It was just us four with two other Slytherins, 6 Gryffindors, a few Hufflepuff and ravenclaws.

"Go cry about it to someone that cares," I sat down with Midnight on my lap near my pile of dark f/c wrapping paper

I opened a present from Aunt Narcissa to see some new paint canvases, a little bit more makeup, and a couple a clothes. Uncle Lucius gave me some books on edicate, talking to elders and different ones like that. Tom got me a large hoodie with a serpent on the front of it. Mattheo had gotten me a jewelry box with a black and silver snake. I opened a gift from Draco to be a new set of quills as he had stolen nearly all of mine for classes.

I saw a few presents that weren't from my favorite color wrapping paper. I grabbed one that was a brown wrapping with a red and green bow. I looked at the note on the front.

'Thank you for being a great friend to my twin boys Fred and George. I hope you are helping them stay out of trouble From-Mrs.Weasley'

I smiled at the note and opened the present to see a dark green sweater with my first initial in grey on the front of it with a box of fudge.

I looked at another present to see it was from Madam Rivers and the community. They always send something to the children that get adopted on their first Christmas out of the orphanage. There were a lot of snacks, treats, different memorabilia from my childhood. I smiled looking at everything.

There was a large box and I realized that it was from my friends. I opened the box to see a shirt from Pansy that she made

 I opened the box to see a shirt from Pansy that she made

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⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now