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Over this past month I have not been able to practice with the quidditch team because Flint doesn't want me to be a disgrace to Slytherin team. Practice for the cheerleading team has been going good. I have learned how to do a few flips and have been able to keep Tracey our flyer up in the air by holding her. Dutch and his friends have been bulling me a lot more which has not been fun and I have started to feel sad. I have gotten close to the twins and they are like my older brothers.

I was sitting on my broom waiting for Flint to 'allow' me to practice with the boys. After our little run in with the Gryffindor team. I was pissed off with Draco for calling Hermione a mudblood when during the summer he wouldn't stop talking about her. 

"Good job today everyone," called Flint

I sighed flying off of my broom and landed on the ground. This is the second time this week

"Flint why didn't you have Y/n pracitice with us?" asked Pucey

"Because she is a girl and doesn't know what she is doing," said Flint,"I have already told you this Pucey," 

"You saw her at the quidditch tryouts,"said Tom a little angry

"Enough. Our practice time is over," said Flint before he walked away

"Just leave it guys. He is not going to let me practice with you all," I shrugged,"I'll see you all later. I got cheerleading practice now,"

I headed off to the locker room. To get changed from my quidditch outfit to my cheer practice outfit. I placed my hair into a soft bun and headed to where the Slytherin cheerleader were practicing.

"Any luck today?" asked Pansy

"Nope," I shook my head

"Its alright Y/n. You can always just quit," said Daphne

"I just might if I am not going to be allowed to practice. I mean its not the same as me practicing with Enzo, Matt and Draco. There needs to be more of them," I sighed

We started the practice. Over the past month I have not been able to join any of the practices for quidditch. Honestly the only time I have been able to practice is after curfew or with my friends.

"Great practice today girls. Daphne, Y/n make sure you practice the lift of Tracey," said Captian Kendall

We nodded agreeing to practice. We got changed back into our clothes. We headed back to the common room.

"Good job today girls. See you next practice," called Macy waving to us

The girls and I headed upstairs to shower after the practice. I got dressed in jeans and a baggy shirt which I tied up in the front. I laid on my bed as Midnight crawled up.

She cuddled into my lap as I opened my phone to play a game. I decided to bust out my essay for Potions.

"Hello Y/n," said Enzo walking in with his camera around his neck

"Hey Enzo. What's up?" I asked looking up from my essay

"I really wish Flint would get his head out of his ass and let you practice with us," he said sitting down

I blinked a few times at his language not being prepared for it,"Yeah. But l cant do anything about it. If I am not allowed to practice with the team then why be on it?"

"Don't give up on it Y/n," He said confidently,"You deserve to be on the team,"

I shrugged,"I don't know if it is even worth it. I mean we have been practicing for a month already and I haven't once moved on my broom with the full team. Honestly I am having a lot more fun with cheering at the moment then quidditch,"

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now