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Despite confronting Tom about stalking me, he still persists in his behavior. I can feel my anger boiling inside me every time he stares at me with those piercing eyes. But thankfully, he hasn't started making fun of me yet.

"Oi Y/n," called Pansy, beckoning me over as I returned from the library. I made my way towards her and the girls, curious about what they wanted.

"Want to try sneaking into the party here tonight?" Pansy asked with a mischievous smirk. "It's only for 3rd years and above, which is just ridiculous."

"Count me in," I replied with a smile, excited for some rebellious fun. "But what should we wear?"

"Anything goes," chimed in Daphne, glancing up from her skateboard to look at me. A playful grin formed on her lips as she added, "We'll make sure you fit right in."


We waited in the hallway, our ears straining for the sound of music. The faint beat grew louder, and we could see flashes of light through the crack in the door at the end of the hall. I had decided to forego my usual robes and instead opted for jeans and a nicer shirt, although it still felt out of place in this party setting. As we approached the door, a strange smell wafted towards us, a mix of incense and alcohol.

Pansy linked arms with Daphne and motioned for Tracey and me to do the same. "Act like you belong here," she whispered as we entered the room.

The scene before us was like something out of a dream - or perhaps a nightmare. People were dancing wildly, their laughter mingling with the thumping bass of the music. Fourth years held red cups in their hands, swaying and stumbling along with the rhythm.

"This is amazing," giggled Tracey, her eyes wide with excitement.

As eleven year olds, we were definitely not supposed to be at a Slytherin party, but none of us cared. We pushed our way through the crowd, feeling rebellious and alive.

However, my sense of fun quickly dissipated when I spotted Tom glaring at us from across the room. He stood stiffly, his hand gripping an empty glass bottle tightly.

"Tracey, let's move," I said urgently, tugging on her arm.

We made our way over to Pansy and Daphne, who were dancing together near a table overflowing with drinks. We joined in, letting loose and forgetting about everything else.

But then a hand landed heavily on my shoulder. I turned to see Tom standing behind me, his expression cold and calculating.

"I don't think you four are supposed to be down here," he growled.

I squared my shoulders and met his gaze defiantly. "So what? We can do whatever we want."

The girls froze beside me, fear creeping into their eyes. I could feel Tom's anger radiating off of him.

"Get upstairs now," he ordered, his tone firm and commanding.

I felt a surge of defiance rise up within me. "No," I said firmly, holding back the others as they started to retreat. "We're staying here. We want to have fun."

Tom sneered at me, his grip on the bottle tightening. "I'll go get a prefect," he threatened.

"And you think I'm scared?" I smirked, taunting him. "Go ahead, Riddle. I. dare. you."

For a moment, his eyes widened in surprise. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see other students glancing our way, intrigued by the confrontation between us.

Tom seemed like someone who didn't have many friends or allies. But in this moment, I didn't care about that. All I cared about was standing up for myself and my friends.

"Y/n, let's just go," Daphne pleaded, pulling me back towards the stairs. "We shouldn't be at a party until we're allowed, Riddle. We just wanted to have some fun."

I shot one last glare at Tom before allowing myself to be led away by my friends, feeling a mix of exhilaration and regret for standing up to someone so formidable.

As we made our way back to Pansys bedroom, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Tom's icy glare had left me shaken, and I couldn't shake the feeling that he would hold a grudge against us for standing up to him.

"I can't believe you stood up to him like that," Tracey whispered, her voice filled with awe as we settled on the couch

"Well, someone had to," I shrugged, trying to play off my nerves.

"Yeah, but Riddle is not someone you want to mess with," Pansy added, her eyes wide with fear. "He could make your life a living hell if he wanted to."

"I'm not scared of him. Its honestly about time someone stood up to him," I shrugged leaning back on the couch


"Oh hermione it was amazing. The nights, the music,people dancing,"I gushed laying on her bed

She hit me with her book,"You went to a party! Y/n your only eleven!" she reclaimed 

"I know that," I scoffed sitting up,"We just danced and joked around. We didnt do anything else mostly becuase Tom Riddle caught us. I have no idea what his obession is with me but he is and its honeslty so annoying," I rolled my eyes,"Just becuase we got the last night doesnt mean he knows me," 

"I am still not over the fact that my best friend who is ELEVEN! Went to a party!" said Hermione slapping me with her book

"Ow Ow ow. HERMIONE!" I whined laughing

We both fell into fits of laughter onto the bed,"But seriously though did you at least have fun?" 

"Yeah I did,"I giggled

W/C 909

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now