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I got permission to see Hermione before I leave for Hogwarts. I headed through town walking to Hermione's house.


I turned to see Mr.Hozier and his old beat up car that stops working at least once a week. I headed over to him,"Hello Mr.Hozier," I nodded at him

"A little help? My engine is acting weird," he pointed to his car

When I was little Mr.Hozier taught me how to work on cars and taught me everything I know about them. Now that he is in his 70s his athritis is very bad and his car won't work unless fixed. He only trust me to work on his car. I have no idea what he is going to do when I leave for Hogwarts. 

"Of course," I smiled at him kindly

I looked at the car and noticed a wire loose. I hooked back the wire,"I think that was probably. Try to start it up Mr.Hozier," I told him 

He slowly walked to the driver door and got in. He started the vehicle and it started running,"Aha," he said happily getting out,"Thank you Thank you," he smiled 

"Of course Mr.Hozier. Now I wanted to let you know that I am going to a boarding school so I wont be able to help you with your car," I told him 

"Oh," he said looking sad grabbing my hand,"I am happy for you and the boarding school. But now who will I trust with my car?" 

"Maybe a mechanic or get a new car," said Mrs.Kehlani rudely. Mrs.Kehlani is the neighborhood watch lady. Everytime I walk into the neighborhood she follows me closely. The only reason she doesn't trust me is because when I was 6 I had a snake on my arm talking to it. She claims I was talking in a made up language,"What boarding school did you get into?" she asked me 

"A school for freaks like me," I told her. She and her son,David Hearter, always called me a freak

"I am surprised you even got into a school for freaks. You aren't even that intelligent," she looked at me 

"NowNow Now Mrs.Kehlani You can't just go around making fun of an eleven year old when you are 36. You should know better," said Mr.Hozier using his teachers voice,"Y/n go on and have fun today," he told me grabbing my hand. I felt something in my hand that he handed me

I thanked him before heading off. I looked at my hand a noticed 5 pound note. Mr.Hozier always tried to give me something for helping him. Every summer since I was 5 and started talking to Mr.Hozier at my school when he came for the day to talk to us. He took me under his wing teaching me things and giving me books on languages, painting, or coloring items but never cash. 

Mrs.Kehlani tried to follow me but Mr.Hozier wouldn't let her pass him. I got to Hermione's house and I knocked on her door and her Mum answered,"Hello Y/n!" She smiled

"Hello Mrs.Granger!" I smiled at her

"Y/n I have known you since you were a child. Please it's Jean!" She let me into the house

"Sorry. I am so used to calling you Mrs.Granger," I giggled awkwardly

She smiled,"Hermione is just up in her room,"

I thanked her before running upstairs. The door was locked which surprised me because she never looks the door, so I knocked on the door,"Oi Mione! Open up!"

I heard a book closing before the snapping shut of a trunk and her walking to the door. She unlocked the door and opened it,"Hey Y/n," she smiled

"Since when did you lock your door?" I asked confused

"Oh I didn't want to get interrupted with a new book I am reading," she explained

"What book?" I asked

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now