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Its been about two weeks since I was in Berkshire residents. It was a very fun week with the girls and sneaking around with Lorenzo. We never did it though. I am now home at the Malfoy Manor. Almost every single day Uncle Lucius holds a meeting at the house and we have to stay on our side of the house. I don't mind though because I can use the time to paint. 

I listened to music as I painted with Midnight on my lap. I was painting a photo of horses running across a field.I turned my head to see Tom walking into my room,"Hey Tommy," 

"Hey," he said jumping on my bed pulling out his book

I know lately he has hated being alone since he started dating Evanglia. I have told him that any time he needs to be around someone he can come in with me.

I continued to paint for a while until Narcissa walked in and sent Tom out of the room. I turned to her confused as she closed the door placing a silencing charm on my room

"Have you been talking to a boy?" she asked

"Yes I have," I nodded

"Have you been doing anything sexual with this boy?" she sat on my bed


"I just need to know,"

"We have done stuff but didn't go all the way," I explained

"Well just to be safe as you are getting older. I am going to have you go on birth control. It is just for safe keeping. Condoms only work 97% of the time," she explained

I nodded feeling embarrassed slightly.

"Are you and this boy in love?" she smirked

I bit my lip. I mean I have really strong feelings for Lorenzo. But I don't know if I love him. Honestly I don't know what it feels like to love.

"Maybe," I shrugged

"How long has this been going on?" she smirked

"The Yule ball,"

"Oh about seven months," she smiled all giddied up.

After pressing about the boy for a few more minutes. She set up an appointment for the doctors before walking out. Merlin this is embarrassing. I got up and placed Midnight on my bed before moving to my desk. I looked at it and noticed Cedric letter. I have not opened it yet and for some reason today feels right.

Dear Y/n,

If you are reading this, then it means I must have died during the tournament. As you probably already know, you are one of my closest friends. I feel terrible for betraying your trust and cheating on you. You deserved someone who would fight for you and give you the world, but unfortunately that wasn't me Y/n. I was always protective of you, but I never wanted to resort to violence for your sake. You deserved better than what I could offer.

Don't mourn my passing, Y/n. I want you to keep living your life to the fullest, not just for yourself but also for me. Open that paint store you've always dreamed of and share your passion with others. Or devote yourself to helping animals in a reserve; I know how much you love Magical Creatures. You're also an amazing teacher, so don't be afraid to pursue that path. There's so much you can do, Y/n, and I want you to thrive and become the best version of yourself - Y/n Saiph Riddle.

Cedric Diggory

I sniffled as I felt tears in my eyes.


Today's the day of my Uncle's Summer party. YAH! I am so excited for it. Honestly I am starting to hate these parties but its what uncle wants. After taking my shower I got dressed in

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