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I had just finished straightening my hair before I headed to my closet. I grabbed a pair of leggings and a crop top Stephen had bought for me. I grabbed a pair of sneakers. I wore a daisy necklace and some jewelry. 

I headed out of my room before locking it. I headed downstairs and was about to reach the common room door when an arm went around my arm dragging me back

"What the fuck," I pulled away from the curly hair boy from a few weeks ago. 

He turned me and grabbed my shoulders,"What the fuck happened to you!" 

"What?" I asked confused,"I don't---" 

"I am your fucking twin brother Y/n. You do know me. Stop pretending I am no one!" he yelled 

"First off get your hands off me," I scoffed,"Secondly, I am an orphan. I have been an orphan since I was 4 months old. Thirdly who the fuck even are you," 

"I am you twin brother. Mattheo Riddle. You were adopted by our Aunt and Uncle the summer before our second year. We have an older brother named Tom Riddle," he looked at me in shock 

"You must be thinking of someone else," I scoffed,"Leave me alone creeps," I glared at him and his friends

I turned around and headed out of the common room. I saw Stephen waiting on the wall,"You're late," he looked at me

"Sorry I got held up," I said  as he foribly grabbed my arm and we walked

"Don't let it happen again," he said angerily

"Yes," I nodded as he relaxed. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we walked to the quidditch pitch. 

After a long week of school and being pestered by everyone that apparently knows me. I am sorry but the only friends I have are Stephen, Franklyn, and a boy named Cedric I meet up with in the library. 

Stephen grabbed a broom and handed me one. I grabbed the broom from him before a flash came into my mind. 

Wind whipped through my hair as I soared, nimble and quick, on my trusty broom. The backyard below was a blur of green, transformed into our makeshift Quidditch pitch. To my left, the curly-haired boy zipped by, his laughter going everywhere. "Try to keep up!" he taunted, swerving with ease around me. What was his name? Mattheo that's right. 

"Watch me!" I shouted back urging my broom faster. The bleached blonde, hovering near the makeshift hoops, caught my eye and winked, clearly enjoying the sibling rivalry.

"Oi, you think that old Nimbus can outrun a Firebolt?" teased the wavy-haired boy, who was guarding the hoops with the focus of a true Keeper. Was his name. Timmy? No Thomas? No. Tom? yes it's Tom. 

The memory formed—the wavy-haired boy... he had been there before, in another laughter-filled echo of the past. 

"Doll? You dropped your broom. What's up?" Stephen asked worried

"I-I don't want to fly. Remember I nearly died on Buckbeak," I stuttered 

Stephen nodded,"Do you want to join me or watch?" he asked cupping my cheek

I'll watch you. I smiled before standing on my tiptoes and kissing his cheek. I headed up onto the benches as he flew around the pitch. After a little while I felt someone sitting beside me

"Hey Y/n/n," said Cedric

"Hi Ced," I smiled brightly at him. 

"I'd thought you would have been flying up there with your boyfriend," he smiled at me

"I haven't been on a broom since falling off of Buckbeak. I am just thankful I was caught and Stephen comforted me during afterwards," I said sheepishly

"Stephen conforted you?" said Cedric confused

"Yeah," I nodded

"No your Slytherin friends did," 

"I don't have any slytherin friends," I rolled my eyes at him as Stephen came to us

"Hey Diggory. Babe; I am getting tired. Wanna head back to your dorm?" he asked me

"Sure," I nodded,"By Cedric. I will see you later," I smiled

Cedric stood up and brought me in for a hug,"If your in trouble text me," he whispered into my ear

"Okay?" I said confused. 

I walked down to the quidditch pitch and met up with Stephen. He brought me closer to him and we headed down to the Slytherin common room. Some people were walking out of the common room so we headed inside. 

Stephen kissed my cheek as we headed up stairs and I giggled before a tall figure stood Infront of me,"Nope. Not happening," what was the boys name. I thought back to earlier from the memory. Tom that's right

"Move Riddle," said Stephen 

"I will not have you fuck my sister," glared Tom

"Ew gross," I groaned shoving Tom aside,"First off I am not ready for that. Secondly its none of your fucking business Tom," 

I grabbed Stephens hand and pulled him up to my room. I unlocked my door and we went inside. 

"Tom? How do you know his name," said Stpehen worried 

"He told it to me when we first started dating. I have tried not to be around him," I explained. 

Stephen nodded,"Lets cuddle," 

I smiled as we went to my bed. Midnight hissed loudly at Stephen scratching him as he pushed her aside,"Move you dumb cat," 

"Don't talk to my cat like that," I said firmly picking Midnight up as I laid down

"He scratched me," 

"She is just nervous around new people," I petted my cat Midnight,"You have never been in here before," 

Stephen nodded at us. We got started to talking before we cuddled and fell asleep. 


I made my way back to my dormitory after a very akward class with Professor Snape learning about sex. I saw Stephen leaning on the wall. He grabbed my hand pulling me towards him before placing his lips on mine. I pushed him off,"Not now babe. I am just not feeling it," I told him

"I was just going to kiss you before I headed to my dorm," 

"I know. But Snape's class was awkward," I muttered

"Oh," he smirked brightly,"Okay then. I will see you tomorrow," 

"Bye," I mumbled turning around going to the common room. 

I headed to my room and picked up Midnight. My mind flashed with a memory

"Oh Y/n there's another thing," said Tom standing up.

He walked out of the room leaving me confused. 

He walked back inside with a basket and blankets. He set it in front of me beside my food. I stood up moving the blanket and gasped,"Tom,"

I saw it was a black kitten with bright green eyes. He had a patch on his chest with white marking shaped like a heart. The cat is fur soft to the touch. The cat melted into my hand as I pet its head.

"I overheard you talking to Hermione about how your dream pet is a cat," he explained

"Thank you Tom,"

What is happening to me? Why am I having these memories of those boys. 

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now