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"Madam Rivers. I am going to see if Hermione can hangout today," I told her 

"Have fun Y/n," smiled Madam Rivers stocking the snacks for the orphans 

I smiled as I headed outside of the orphanage. I felt a buzzing from my phone and I grabbed it from my pocket. 

I answered the phone call from Aunt Narcissa

Me:Hi Auntie 

Narcissa: Hello Y/n dear. Just wanted to make sure you are doing alright at the orphanage. It should be soon you can stay here 

Me: Dont worry I am just fine. I am on my way to visit some friends 

Narcissa: Alright deary. Let me know if you need anything

Me: Of course. How is Midnight been

Narcissa: She is just fine. Tom has been taking care of her. It sucks that the orphanage  wouldn't let you take her 

Me: Yeah some of the kids are allergic to cats 

Narcissa: Oh that makes since

I ended the phone call after we said our goodbyes. I placed my phone in as I heard my name being called. I looked to see Mr.Hozier,"Mr.Hozier!" I smiled running over to him as I missed him. I noticed he had a cane as he seemed a little weaker and his once salt and pepper hair now a beautiful white pushed back

He engulfed me in a large hug,"I missed you Y/n!" he smiled looking at me.  He had on a light blue button up had car grease on it

"I missed you as well Mr.Hozier!" I smiled brightly,"How are you?" 

"I'm as well as I can be," he nodded,"Mr.Granger started helping me with my car whenever he could," 

"That was nice of him," I smiled at him

"Well I won't keep you. I heard your getting adopted by your relatives," he smiled

"Yeah!" I smiled,"Turns out I have a family and they have been looking for me for years," 

"Well go on and have fun Y/n," said Mr.Hozier 

"Thank you Mr.Hozier for everything," I smiled at him

"Of course!" he smiled

I waved to him before heading down Hermione's street. I saw David Hearter and a few of his friends throwing rocks at a wall. I chuckled to myself as I walked past 

I headed to Hermione's house and knocked on the door. Richard answered it,"Hey Y/n," he smiled letting me in,'Hermione is just packing before our trip," 

"Okay." I nodded heading upstairs to her room," 'Mione!" I smiled opening her door 

Hermione was reading a book in French,"Oh hey Y/n!" she closed it,"Thanks for this book. It's really helping me," 

"I'm glad. I just wanted to see you before you leave tomorrow for France," I smiled

"Don't worry we can talk all the time," said Hermione as I sat down

"I know," I chuckled 

Hermione and I talked about all the places she was going to see in France. 

"Its crazy to think that when I get back you might not be at the orphanage anymore," said Hermione sighing

"I know. But Aunt Narcissa and Uncle Lucius have both said I can visit anytime I want," I told her 

"Really! That's wonderful!" she smiled brightly. 

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now