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September and October have both been relatively quiet. I know Tom hates his birthday but I did make him a present. I noticed that Tom was looking at a girl more lately with long black hair and bright blue eyes. It was almost like he...no...can he? Can my older brother like a girl! The stone cold boy. The 'Beast' of a boy like a girl? OMG!

Anyways sorry about that lol....maybe...ahhhh.

Today is the day Beauxbatons and Durmstrang come to Hogwarts. The girls were excited about new eye candy. Honesty I am as well. 

I mean having those boys who buy me tea or coffee is nice and some are good kissers. I have just told them that we can be snogging buddies which some groaned and haven't talked to me. I have two snogging buddies which is nice. 

It was October 30th the day that the other two schools would be coming today. We headed into the entrance hall. We went in front of Snape as the heads of houses were checking their student's uniform.

The heads of Houses was ordering us into lines. I was in front of Mattheo. He kept poking my ribs and I kept flicking his head. I felt a smack on the back of my head and we both turned to Tom who was two rows behind us. We flipped him off before I flicked Mattheos head agai. 

"Berkshire, straighten your tie," said Snape scolded Lorenzo whose tie was hanging low,"Greengrass, take that ugly thing out of your hair," he looked at Astoria who had a star clip in her hair. 

Snape went down the line and stopped at Mattheo and I, "Riddle fix your face," he barked. I flushed as I had a pimple patch on my forehead. I just move my hair to cover it more as people looked at me. RUDE SNAPE RUDE!

"Follow me," barked Professor Snape,"First years in front. . . no pushing . . I mean it"

We filed down the steps and lined up in front of the castle. A cold, clear evening dusk fell and a pale moon shone. I checked my watch: 5:58, "Nearly time," I smiled

"There!" yelled a first year Gryffindor

"Its a dragon!" I heard first-years yell

"Don't be stupid. . .Its a flying house!" I heard a boy yell

As the gigantic black shape skimmed over the treetops of the forbidden Forest and the lights shining from the castle windows hit it, we saw a gigantic, blue, horse-drawn carriage, the size of a large house, soaring towards us, pulled through the air by nine winged horses.

The carriage landed in front of us. The door bore a coat of arms. A boy in pale blue robes jumped from the carriage and bent forward. She was pretty with olive skin and large, black eyes. Her hair was drawn back into a bun at the base of her neck.

Dumbledore began to clap; we students followed his lead. Her face relaxed into a smile, and she walked forward, extending a hand to Dumbledore. Dumbledore had barely too bent to kiss it.

"My dear Madame Maxime," he said,"Welcome to Hogwarts,"

"Dumbly-dorr," said Madame Maxime, "I 'ope I find you well?"

"In excellent form, I thank you," said Dumbledore

"My Pupils," said Madame Maxime, waving her hand towards the carriage.

There were now almost a dozen boys and girls all by the look of them my age. They were standing behind Madam Maxime. They were shivering in their fine silk uniforms. A few were wrapped in scarves and shawls around their heads.

"'As Karkaroff arrived yet?" Madam Maxime asked

"He should be here any moment," said Dumbledore,"Would you like to wait here and greet him or would you prefer to step inside and warm up a trifle?"

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now