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I sat in the Potions classroom next to Stephen, my heart racing as he whispered in my ear.

"You look cute with your hair in those braids," he murmured, tugging on one of my braids playfully. I felt my cheeks grow hot, a smile spreading across my face. I giggled softly

"Is there something amusing about my lesson, Miss Riddle?" Snape's voice cut through the air, causing me to jump. I quickly composed myself and shook my head, trying to indicate that there was nothing to laugh about.

Stephen's hand traveled from my hair to my thigh, his fingers brushing against my skin in a way that sent shivers down my spine.

I gently pushed his hand down to my knee, hoping to convey my discomfort . Stephen simply smiled, his eyes sparkling mischievously.

"What was I talking about then?" he sneered at me

"You were about to assign project partners," I smirked

"Pay attention," he glared

Stephen had his face buried into my neck as Snape assigned partners.

"Mr.Berkshire and Miss.Riddle,"

Stephen looked up from my neck,"Can Y/n and I work together,"he asked

"No," Snape walked away assigning more partners. I couldn't help feel disappointed that I wouldn't be working with Stephen,"Now go to where your partner is sitting,"

Stephen and I looked at each other before I got up from my seat.

As I surveyed the room, my eyes landed on a boy with thick brown hair that stood up in unruly tufts to create fluffiness. . He stared at me intensely, his gaze cutting through me like a knife. My heart raced as I made my way towards him.

"I'm assuming you're Berkshire?" I asked, trying to hide my nervousness.

"Yeah, Y/n. Why are you pretending like you don't know me? I'm your best friend," he said, his voice laced with confusion and hurt.

"Why are you--"

"You've been love potioned," he gasped, his eyes widening in shock.

"What?" I exclaimed, completely taken aback by his revelation.

"Never mind," he muttered

I sank down onto a nearby chair, my head spinning with questions and disbelief. But before I could gather my thoughts, Berkshire's stern voice interrupted.

"Let's just get started, shall we?" he demanded coldly.

Reluctantly, I nodded.

I opened my book to the potion we were supposed to make:Wiggenweld Potion. I looked over the list of ingredients,"I can get these ingredients at the Hogsmeade trip this weekend,"

"Alright then we can meet on Sunday to do the project," he spoke,"As the project is due on Monday,"

"Sounds good," I nodded as my mind went back to what he said earlier,"How do you know if I have been loved potioned,"

"Its complicated,"

"Well my boyfriend would never love potion me,"

"You said two months ago you'd never want to be with Stephen and now look at you," he scoffed

Before I could answer;"DISMISSED!" yelled Snape

I packed my bag and headed to Stephen,"I forgot what day it is," he pulled me close as my books were to my chest.

"What day is it?" I asked

"It's our two months," he kissed my cheek smiling running his hair through my straight hair that was in front of my face

"Happy two months,"

I couldn't believe it had been two months since I started dating Stephen.

As we walked hand in hand towards our next class, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. Everything seemed to be going perfectly for us, our relationship was strong and we were both excelling in our classes.

"Hey, do you want to hang out after classes today?" Stephen asked as we reached our classroom door.

"Yeah, that sounds great," I smiled, excited at the thought of spending more time with him.

But as soon as we entered the classroom, my mood suddenly shifted. The sight of Berkshire sitting at his desk made my heart drop.

"Hey," he greeted us coolly as we took our seats next to him.

"Hi," I replied awkwardly.

Stephen noticed the tension between us and raised an eyebrow in question. But before anyone could say anything else, Professor McGonagall entered the classroom.

"Good afternoon students," she said sternly."Today we will be learning how to transfigure a matchbox into a jewelry box."

As she explained the process and demonstrated it on her own matchbox, I couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated. This was one subject that I wasn't particularly good at.

But when it came time for me to try it myself, surprisingly enough, it came easily to me. The matchbox transformed effortlessly into a jewelry box under my wand's guidance.

I couldn't contain my excitement and turned to show Stephen and Berkshire who were both equally amazed.

"That's amazing Y/n! How did you do that?!" Stephen exclaimed.

"I don't know," I laughed nervously. "It just happened."

Berkshire remained silent, his expression unreadable.

After class Stephen kissed my cheek,"I will meet you at the Slytherin common room. I am going to drop my stuff off,"

"Alright babe," I smiled kissing his cheek before he headed out

I knew I had about 30 minutes to ask Berkshire what he meant about me being Love potioned. I headed into the common room to see him with his friends. I walked up to him crossing my arms,"What did you mean by me being Love potioned?" I questioned.

"Stephen love poison you making you forget all of us," said Mattheo looking at me

I rolled my eyes,"He would never," I scoffed

"Y/n," said a girl with black hair reaching her collar bones,"During summer you were itching to not be near Cornfoot and now that's all you are is near him. Its like you have completely forgotten us,"

"What do you not get. I have never met any of you," I said loudly

"Y/n you haven't been in cheer for two months. Kendall is about ready to kick you off the team,"

"I was never in cheer,"

"Do you remember being on the quidditch team last year?" asked a blonde boy

"No," '

"Do you remember my parents? The people who adopted you. Your adopted mother and father and Biological Aunt and Uncle?" he asked me


"Y/n lets go,"Stephen grabbed my arm pulling me away

He dragged me into my room,"Why were you talking to them?" he yelled at me

"I was asking Berkshire when to meet up for the project. Just got carried away,"

He raised a hand to me before I backed away and he put it down,"Don't talk to Berkshire or his friends when I am not there. Understood?"

"yes," I nodded.

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now