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I felt arms around my waist as I packed the last of my items as we were leaving today from school. I passed all my exams with flying colors. Cedric was quiet worried about me after I told him what happened that night. He didn't leave my side all day because of it. 

"I can't believe it will be three weeks until I see you again," said Cedric 

I turned around smiling at him,"Don't worry baby. We can see each other over facetime all the time," 

"Buts its not the same as you here with me," he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear

I giggled as he picked me up laying me on the bed. He kissed my lips making me giggle,"Ceddy. I gotta finish packing," 

"I thought you were done?" he asked me 

"I told you last night I still had one more trunk to finish packing at the bonfire last night," I smiled at him

"Oh yeah," he chuckled getting off of me. He grabbed my hips looking at me with hunger. I knew he regretted saying he'd wait until I was of consent age but I knew I wasn't ready to loose it. 

"You two are to cute," 

We looked over to see Daphne leaning on my doorway,"Train arrives in about 30 minutes," 

"Shit," I said wide-eye. 

Cedric finished helping me pack. I placed Midnight into my hoodie pocket. Cedric helped me carry my stuff and his. We headed to my friends before we set out for the carriages. 

"Y/n did you lose weight or something because your looking snatched," said Jordan

I chuckled at her,"Shut it girl," I bumped my hip against her as separated to get into the carriages. We all looked at each other as the train whistle blew. As soon as the carriages stopped we all ran with our luggages to get onto the train. Cedric pulled my trunks onto the train as Lorenzo pulled me up onto it along with the girls. 

Mattheo took my trunks as Cedric and I walked to his friends compartment. We found them and headed inside,"Hey Eliza, Donovan and Willy," I smiled at them all sitting next to Cedric who wrapped his arm around my waist. 

"Hey beautiful," winked Donovan as Eliza slapped his shoulder

I rolled my eyes at him as Cedric buried his face into my shoulder. I felt him leave soft kisses as I talked with Eliza about how her O.W.Ls went. She thinks she passed them with flying colors but won't know until later in the summer. 

Cedric ended up falling asleep cuddling into me. His arms wrapped around my stomach tightly making me insecure slightly as I loosened his grip from his hand on my lower stomach. I talked with Willy about the book he was reading for a little bit. 

"Ced," I kissed his temple

"Huh?" he looked up at me 

"I want to see my friends really quick," I told him

"Alright," he nodded letting me go. 

I kissed him before heading out of the compartment. I talked with Fred and George for a little while before checking in on the golden trio. They said Sirius gave Harry permission to go to Hogsmeade now which he is excited about. 

I saw the girls in a compartment and joined them. 

"So how has it been going with Lorenzo?" asked Tracey looking at Jordan as I sat down

"We are a bit rocky right now. I think he has feelings for someone else but I don't want to say anything. If he does I am not going to be mad and tell him to go for it," she explained leaning back. 

"I'm sorry Jordan. I know how he can be. He can be very weird at times but that's just because our father never shows his love. Honestly I don't think I have ever heard my father say he loved us," said Lauryn think back 

Jordan nodded before looking at Pansy,"How about you and Draco?" 

"We are currently taking a break at the moment but I know he will want me back. He goes through these phases where he wants to be with me then doesn't then does," explained Pansy

"Its annoying trying to figure out if you all are together or not each week," chuckled Tracey. 

"What about you? How are you and Micheal?" asked Daphne

"He is a sore loser. Plus we weren't even dating just snogging buddies," said Tracey shrugging,"What about you and Theodore?"

"Honestly I am done trying. If he likes me great if he doesn't oh well. I am talking to a boy right now," Daphne smiled brightly,"Do you two like anyone?" she looked at Lauryn and Astoira 

"There is a cute boy in my class. I kind of like," said Lauryn sheepishly 

"Nope," said Astoria,"But boys like me," she winked cockily

I laughed at the 12year old with the other girls. 

"How are you and Cedric?" asked Pansy 

"We are alright I guess," I shrugged

"What do you mean I guess?" 

"Lately it just seems like Cedric only likes me for my body. I mean everytime I start talking about something I am interested in he just shuts me up by kissing me and rubbing on my body," I said sheepishly 

"I am sure you are just overthinking it Y/n," said Jordan,"Cedric is just another horny boy. Don't over think it," 

"Thanks," I smiled 

The train slowed down. We got our stuff and head out of the compartment. We got off the train. I saw Lucius and Narcissa waiting for us. Midnight ran up to Narcissa who smiled at her. We started walking to them when I heard my name getting called

I turned around to see Cedric running up to me. He pulled my waist in and kissed me,"I will see you soon," he whispered to me 

"Bye Ced," I smiled 

He winked before heading back. I turned around knowing I was red and headed to my family. Mattheo and Draco were smirking. Tom glared at Cedric who was walking away. Narcissa was smiling brightly as Lucius was looking cold,"Lets go," 

I followed them holding my stuff. Midnight went onto my trunk as I carried it. Tom grabbed my trunk from me and placed it inside as Narcissa spoke

"How long have you and that Diggory boy been going out?" 

"About 4 months," I smiled sheepishly 

She smiled at me,"So when will I meet this boy?" 

"At Uncles party," 

She nodded smiling at me. I got into the car and we drove to the Manor. 

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now