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TW:S.A (Nothing penetrates), ABUSE... PSA STARTS AFTER NEXT DAY
Please skip chapter if triggered
It was hard for me to write this so I don't want anyone to get triggered. The next few chapters and later chapters have mentions but I didn't add trigger warnings to them


I had gotten ready in jeans and a green crop top for the first hogsmeade trip. I grabbed some of my money before heading to where I'd meet Stephen. I saw him near where the carriages were. 

"You look cute," said Stephen smiling at me

"Thanks," I smiled brightly as my hair was straight along my back

"I just wish this top was tighter," he whispered into my ear pulling on my shirt. 

We headed to the carriages and got inside. I smiled as he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer as a few more people got onto our carriage. I looked at Mattheo and Draco. I looked away as Stephen and I were planning on what we would do today. 

"I was thinking we could go to Zonkos, then Honeydukes, then get some butterbeer before stopping at the Potions shop to get the supplies for the projects," I smiled

"Sounds good," he smiled,"When are you doing your project with Berkshire," he said the last name with a hint of disgust and worried

"We plan to meet up tomorrow around lunch time," 

He nodded as we exited the carriage. He wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked to Zonkos. We got to Zonkos; I bought some fireworks, dungbombs, snapping tea cups. 

"Look at this one," said Stephen holding a flower.

I grabbed the flower and it sprayed water on me. I laughed as I gave it back to him. I felt eyes burning onto the back of my head and turned to see Berkshire looking at us while holding a snowglobe that was meant to explode when shaken. I turned back around and to Stephen before we checked out. 

Stephen grabbed my hand and spun me to him. My hand landed on his chest as he held my waist close to him. He kissed me randomly,"I don't want you to hang out with Berkshire tomorrow," he whispered to me,"I don't want you near Berkshire ever again. Understand?"

"Y-Yes," I stuttered

"If I see you around him. I am going to be very angry. You are mine," he said firmly

I bit my lip nodding. I knew I had to make it quick tomorrow for the potion. We headed into honeydukes; I looked around and picked up some chocolate frogs, sugar quills, and some pumpkin pasties. 

Stephen and I picked up some butterbeers and some potions ingredients. I had convinced him to just allow me to drop off the ingredients. I felt eyes on the back of my head as I climbed into the carriage. Stephen climbed in after me then Tom before he pulled out a newspaper. 

The Next day

TW starting

During lunchtime, I hurried into the library and spotted Berkshire sitting at a table cluttered with potions. As I approached him, I held out the items I had purchased for our project.

"I can't stay long, but here are the ingredients," I said breathlessly.

Berkshire let out a chuckle. "Well, if you want to fail, then by all means, give me the ingredients."

Panic rose in my chest. "Wait, you don't know how to make the potion?"

He shrugged nonchalantly and took the ingredients from me. "I mean, I know how to do it, I'm just not very good at it."

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now