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"Have a nice semester," said Aunt Narcissa to us on platform 9 3/4

"Thank you," said Tom 

"Make sure they get onto the train and into a compartment," said Narcissa 

"We know what to do mother," groaned Draco with so much gel in his hair. 

The train whistled loudly. I grabbed my trunk and bag lugging it over my shoulder. 

"Bye Aunt Narcissa and Uncle Lucius," I waved to them

"Bye Y/n. Make sure you get top of the class this year," called Lucius 

"I will try my best," I told him 

He was on me this whole summer about me getting second in the class grades. I knew I probably wasn't going to be first again becuase Hermione is super smart and deserves to be first in the class. 

Tom grabbed my trunk for me pulling it up onto the train. I grabbed the bar pulling myself up onto the train. I looked out as the train began to move. Draco hostied himself up onto the train. 

"Bye," we waved 

Once the train turned the corner; we all looked at each other,"Well I am going to find some of my friends before I go sit with you guys," I told Draco and Mattheo

"I'll bring your trunk to our compartment," said Mattheo lifting it up 

"Thanks," I nodded at him while Midnight sat on my shoulder looking around. I had some of her toys in my bag with me

I headed down to the Gryffindor compartments. I found Hermione sitting with the smaller red head and the Weasley twins. I opened the compartment,"Hello," 

"Y/n!" smiled Hermione standing

We hugged quickly before sitting down. 

"What happened when you left the bookstore?" asked George worried 

"Nothing. I just told Lucius that he will not talk bad about Hermione's parents because they did help raise me assentulay," I told them,"Hello I am Y/n Riddle," I raised my hand to Ginny who eyes widen and hid behind her diary writing into it 

"She is just nervous because this is her first year," said Fred as the door opened,"Hey Lee," 

"Hey Fred," nodded Lee Jordan,"Hey George," 

"What up," nodded George 

I turned to Hermione,"I painted you a picture. I'll have to give it to you tomorrow because its in my trunk," 

"Can't wait," she smiled petting Midnight

I smiled because I have been working on this painting for her for a while now. I turned to Ginny trying to make her feel more welcomed and less nervous,"Whats your favorite flower?" I asked 

"A lily," she said barely over a whisper but I heard her

"Thats a beautiful flower. What about color?" I asked 

"Light purple," she said softly and nervously 

I smiled at her and continued to talk to all of them. George and I were making fun of each other. I placed him into a head lock messing up his hair as everyone was dying laughing

"Shouldn't Harry and Ron be here by now?" said Hermione worried

"Yeah they should," said Fred looking out the door,"No ones around the corridor," 

"Did they get onto the train?" asked Lee 

"Don't know," shrugged George 

"What's the color is your car?" I asked the weasleys seeing a bright blue Ford Anglia 105E flying beside the train

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now