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Ever since Harry had been chosen for the Tournament, it seemed like all of Hogwarts had turned their backs on him. The once-friendly faces now averted their gazes and whispered behind his back. I tried to cheer him up, telling him that being a Triwizard Champion was an honor, but I knew the poor boy felt alone.

Draco, always the opportunist, had seized this chance to make Harry's life even more miserable. He took great pleasure in taunting and mocking Harry at every opportunity

Draco had made;

The REAL Hogwarts champion

I refused to wear one. Both I am still heart broken by Cedric and it's rude and disgusting. Pansy, Theodore, and Mattheo all wear one. Daphne, Tracey, Lorenzo and I refuse to wear one because of Cedric. Blaise just doesn't care about the whole two Hogwart Champions.

"Oh sorry," I said looking up from my books to see the Beauxbaton champion

"It's alright. That's a very good book you have their," she pointed to my romeo and Juliet book

"C'est mon préféré," I smiled (Its my favorite)

"Je recommande Le Petit Prince. par Antoine de Saint-Exupéry," she suggested.(I recommend The Little Prince. by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry),"Very 'ood French,"

I smiled and nodded before excusing myself to the library. I found an empty table and started my homework. I waved to Lauryn and Astoria who were doing their homework. 

I had fallen so behind on homework because I was comforting Harry and trying to get the boys away from me. I listened to music as it helped me focus more. I bumped my head to the musicing while humming quietly not to distract other students.

Suddenly, a loud burst of noise jolted me out of my study trance. Turning my head, I saw Tom engage in conversation with the wavy-haired boy. Toms fist on a shelf looking angry. Ignoring them, I focused back on my work, knowing that my next class would be starting soon.I packed up my bag for class.

I carefully arranged my thick curls to cover the pimple patches that were scattered across my forehead using my phone camera. Lately, stress and hormones have caused my skin to break out more, leaving me with a less-than-ideal complexion. It was definitely not a confidence-booster.

I walked downstairs and through the crowds. I walked through the dungeons and walked slowly towards the Potions classroom, my steps cautious as I noticed Harry pointing his wand at Draco. Curiosity and concern drove me closer to the commotion. Dracos wand was raised as well as I came up behind him confused

"Furnunculus!" Harry yelled, his voice filled with anger.

"Densaugeo!" screamed Draco, his wand pointed threateningly at Harry.

Two beams of light shot from their wands, colliding in mid air before ricocheting off in unpredictable angles. One of them hit me square in the face, causing me to squeal and cover my face in pain and embarrassment as I stumbled back a bit into someone. Another struck Hermione, who let out a small whimper of agony.

"Y/n!" I heard someone call my name, but I couldn't see who it was through my covered eyes. Lorenzo grabbed my wrist as Ron yelled for Hermione.

"Let me see you,"

I shook my head but was able to look from the side of my hand at Hermione.

My heart sank as I watched Ron gently pry Hermione's hand away from her mouth. The sight of her distorted teeth made me cringe as they were long. Very long like beavers teeth

The sudden, sharp voice cut through the chaotic noise that surrounded us. It was deadly and commanding, causing my friends to start explaining in a flurry of words. Lorenzo's hands were gripping my wrist tightly, trying to pull me away as I felt more boils growing on my skin. I didn't want my crush to see me like this, "Explain," the voice demanded again.

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now