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There hasn't been any petfied people happening lately. I am wondering if the person causing the attacks have gotten tired of doing it and just not going through with it anymore. It's currently April so we have about a little over a month left until Summer break which I am excited about because Aunt Narcissa and I are going to take a little girls trip to Italy. 

I am sitting in the Gryffindor Common room with Fred and George messing around with their prank items and laughing. Hermione has her nose in a book reading as Harry and Ron played wizard chess. 

Honestly I think its stupid with the whole fued between Gryffindor and Slytherin. None of my Gryffindor friends seem to mind I am a Slytherin mostly because they know I'm not 'evil' like the ones that came before me. 

I laughed as Georges bright red hair was now green. I even got Hermione to laugh at it as Lee sat down,"Damn Y/n you got him good!" 

"Thanks Lee," I smiled brightly 

Fred threw me a candy which I ate as Georges hair went back to normal. I felt my hair change from curly brown hair to bright blue and spiked,"I liked this look!" Hermione laughed looking at my hair making Ron look over laughing

I laughed at myself as we joked around. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Ginny Weasley,"Oh hey Ginny," 

"Can I join you all?" 

"Come on little sis!" said Fred smiling at her

She sat down a little far from me but joined into our laughter. We spent the Friday night laughing and talking all night. I didn't head back to my common room and just slept over in Hermione's room with the other gryffindors in our year. I smiled at Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil as they were talking. The other gryffindor girls were sleeping or trying to sleep it seemed like it

Hermione and I stayed up talking for a while. She seemed nervous about the attacks lately but didn't think anything of it. We started talking about school and how we are neck and neck with each other. I am so close on getting first in the class which my uncle would be happy about. 

The next morning I slipped out of the Gryffindor Common room and headed down the the Great Hall. 

"Oi Y/n," 

I mentally groaned reconigizing Cornfoots voice,"What Cornfoot?" I snapped not wanting to deal with him

"You never got back to me about it," 

"Cornfoot. When I girl says later. She really means not ever," I turned around from him and walked into the Great Hall. 

I sat with my friends at the Slytherin table,"Where have you been?" 

"Oh I was hanging out with Hermione and some of the other Gryffindors last night. It was to late to go back so I ended up spending the night with her," I answered Mattheos question

"Well we were going to annoy you and wake you up but you weren't there," said Blaise sadly

"Good. You boys are annoying," I chuckled slightly 

We continued with our breakfast,"Theo can you pass me a toast," 

Theodore threw a toast at my head,"Hey! I said pass not throw," 

"I just felt like doing that," he replied

I rolled my eyes throwing a strawberry at his head which he glared at me. I caught Lorenzo eyes and smiled at him before continuing to eat. I couldn't help but blush realizing Lorenzo's eyes were still on me. 

"Ladies," said Kendall looking at me and the girls

"Hey Ken," smiled Tracey 

"So as you girls know we weren't able to do that performance this year with all the attacks but I am hoping we can do it next year," she explained 

We nodded in understanding. We weren't able to do the performance during March and we had to slow down on practices because of the attacks. After breakfast, we headed back to our common room to get ready for the quidditch game. 

"Y/n," said Tom

"Yes?" I said turning around in my room as I braided my hair; excited to watch my friends playing quidditch

"The quidditch match has been canceled," he explained

"Why?" I said concerned

"Penelope Clearwater and....and Hermione Granger have been petrified," he paused

My heart dropped to my stomach,"Your lying," I just saw her this morning. There's no way she is petrified! No. 

"I'm not," he spoke

I grabbed my wand, phone and shoes and headed out of my room. I didn't know where to go my heart was pounding into my ears. As my vision went blurry with tears; I almost made it out of the common room when an arm went around my waist,"You can't go out Y/n," said Tom holding me as tears fell down my face

"Let me go. I need to be with her!" I tried getting out of his arms but he was to strong and held me into place

"You can't," he said firmly holding me as tears filled my eyes. My best friends was attacked. 

"I'm guessing you just told her about Granger," said Draco looking over the couch at us. Lorenzo stood up and started walking to me

"Yup," said Tom Losing his grip for a second but in that second I was able to slip away and run upstairs,"Y/N!" he yelled

I ran out of the common room and up the stairs placing on my shoes. I heard someone behind me and I didn't care who it was. I wiped my tears as I ran all the way up to the hospital wing where Harry and Ron were.

"Is it true?" I asked running to them but froze as I saw Hermione laying on the bed with her hand in the air,"'Mione," I breathed seeing her as tears flooded my cheeks,"I'm so sorry I wasn't with you!" I sat on her bed looking at her as I saw Lorenzo stop while breathing heavily

"None of us knew," said Ron tapping my shoulder as I got my breathing regular again,"She just told us she was going to the library and...that's were they found her at,"

I nodded unable to think of words. I looked at Hermione as her brown bushy hair fell all beside her like she was a stone statue but all the colors on her were regular. Lorenzo grabbed my shoulder,"She will wake. Madam Pomfrey is going to take good care of her," 

I turned and he brought me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his torso which he wrapped his arms around my head and back.

"Mr.Potter, Mr.Weasley, Mr. Berkshire Miss.Riddle. Please return to your dormitories immediately," said McGonagall

I nodded looking at Hermione again before standing off of her bed. McGonagall tapped out backs,"She will be back soon Y/n," said Harry

"I hope. She's been my best friend since we were..."

"5," they said in unison

"She has told us quite a bit," said Ron

I chuckled a little and smiled before heading back down as per requested by McGonagall. Lorenzo walked with me conforting me. 

"If only I stayed with her this morning. This wouldn't have happened," I muttered to myself 

"Y/n its not your fault," said Lorenzo rubbing my shoulder

"Might as well be my fault," I muttered walking into the Slytherin common room. I didn't talk to anyone and headed right up to my room locking myself inside. 

I laid on my bed wondering if I could have stopped Hermione from being petrified. My mind raced all throughout the day. I finally decided to get up because dinner time was coming up soon. I opened my door to have someone fall back onto the ground. I looked down to see Mattheo,"Hello big sis," 

I rolled my eyes at his antics,"What are you doing?" 

"I didn't want to leave you be knowing you were upset about Granger," he explained standing

"Yeah," I nodded looking down

"Come on," he wrapped his arm around my shoulder,"Lets get something to eat," 

I nodded again and we headed to the Great Hall. I smiled at Ron and Harry who were looking at me with sadness missing their friend. 

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now