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I pulled my hair into a pony tail letting my curls hit my shoulder. I headed out of my room seeing the other girls ready,"Good Morning Y/n," smiled Pansy

"Morning girls," I said walking up to them.

"You look really cute," said Daphne

"Wait let me help with your collar," said Tracey adjusting it

I smiled at them girls before we headed downstairs. The boys weren't there but I knew they were probably in the Great Hall. I saw a sign on the bulletin board

September 8th
Looking for two beater,one seeker and one chaser

I looked at the page some more seeing that it wasn't something to sign up for. I hated that girls weren't allowed onto the quidditch team for Slytherin. I am just as strong as the boys and should be able to play.

"Y/n," said Tracey waving her hand Infront of my face

"Huh," I shook my head as we walked into the Great Hall

"You okay? You have been quiet," said Daphne

"Oh yeah just thinking," I told her

"About?" asked Pansy


"Your not thinking about trying out? Are you?" asked Daphne. I shrugged,"Y/n you know they don't allow girls onto the quidditch team for Slytherin. Its not even worth trying,"

"I know," I nodded grabbing a pastry as I sat down,"But I would like the option,"

"Well I am glad no girls are allowed because that way I can cheer," said Pansy

"When are the cheerleading tryouts?" asked Daphne

"The 9th," said Pansy

Do I want be to a cheerleader or be apart of the team? If I cheer I can cheer on my brother Tom. But if I play I'll be able to play aside him.

Daphne, Pansy and Tracey all were talking about cheering. I participate a little while thinking and deciding for what I want to do. Sneak behind the captains back and tryout for the quidditch team or join the cheer squad.

"Y/n lets go to charms," said Pansy

I nodded realizing I never ate my food. I followed the girls out of the Great Hall. We headed up to Charms class. I took my seat with Pansy behind Hermione and Ron.

"What happened to you yesterday? Flying car really?" I said to Ron

"The barrier closed," whispered Ron,"Couldn't get through it,"

My eyes widen in realization. Dobby told me how he tried to get Harry not to come to school this year. He dropped a cake on someone's head. This most have been Dobby trying to stop him. But why?

I looked at the boys who were laughing and joking around. Enzo threw a paper ball at Mattheo head who brought him into a nudgy. I rolled my eyes looking over to Pansy who was staring at Draco,"Why are you looking at my cousin?" I asked her

"I never realized how cute he is,"

"Ew," I said laughing as she shoved my shoulder,"That's my cousin," I fake gag as she slapped the back of my head

"Shut up Y/n," scoled Hermione

I stuck my tongue out at her and she rolled her eyes. We continued with our work while whispering. Soon we were let out by flitwick.

"Did you boys here about the quidditch tryout?" I asked them

"I am trying out for either Seeker or chaser," said Mattheo

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now