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I grabbed all of my stuff I would need to get ready for the yule ball tommorow. I am so excited. I have no idea who I am going to the yule ball with but all I know is that Hermione says he is very kind and very sweet. He loves to read and look at the stars. I know its stupid of me to go with someone I have never met but I want Hermione to have the best night of her life. She deserves it after doing so much for me growing up and if that means I have to go on a blind date so be it.

I finshed with my stuff in a little box when I heard a knock on the door,"Come in," I called out

The door opened as I turned around to see Tom,"Hey Tommy,"

"Hey little sis," he nodded walking in,"Look you don't have to wear it tommorow but I thought you might like it," he handed me a box

"Awe Tommy," I smiled as I opened the box to see a silver snake braclet with green emeralds,"I will wear it," I smiled at him

"Alright. Where are you going?" he asked looking at my bags

"Oh I am spending the night at Hermione's so we could get ready," I explained

He nodded,"I'll see you tomorrow,"

"Bye," I waved before setting the box down

"Good you're here. I just finished them," Pansy came up to me,"Don't open it until tomorrow,"

"Okay I won't," I crossed my heart

"You better hurry. It's nearly curfew," she said looking at her phone

"Shit," I mumbled. I grabbed my dress bag and the box. I whistled for Midnight to follow and she did. Pansy closed my door for me as I made my way to the door. I nodded at my friends who were watching the giant squid swim past the window.

"There you are," Hermione said at the Fat Lady picture

"I'm here," I smiled at her

We headed inside to everyone listening to music loudly, people screaming as different party tricks went off. Hermione and I headed upstairs. We got inside her dorm. I noticed that all the girls had put up curtains in-between their bed to give them more privacy. Hermione grabbed Midnight from the floor and placed her with Crookshanks. They cuddled with each other. I set my stuff down on her bed.

Hermione hung up the dress bag,"I am so excited for tomorrow. It should be a lot of fun,"

"I am excited as well," I squealed.

Hermione set my other stuff on the ground before jumping on my bed,"Is it alright if Ginny joins us to get ready tomorrow? She doesn't have any older sisters and I...'

"Of course," I smiled,"Just as long as tonight is us,"

"Duh," she giggled

Hermione and I talked for a while as we did a spa night. She talked about her feelings for Ron quietly and I talked about my feelings for Lorenzo. We laid on the bed watching movies and talking. I am so happy right now. I haven't had a girls night with Hermione in forever. Hermione has always and will always be my sister.

"Y/n, Hermione, wake up,"

I opened my eyes to see Ginny standing with her stuff in front of us,'What time is it?" I asked looking at her wet hair

"10 o'clock," she placed her stuff on the desk

"10! Oh no I need to do my hair!" squealed Hermione,"Everything is off track now,"

"Hermione. Go shower and calm your nerves down," I told her looking at her bed head,"Ginny by chance did you go to breakfast?"

Ginny smirked and threw us an apple and a croissant in sandwich baggies,"McGonagall gave these to all the girls knowing they'd spend all day getting ready,"

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now