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I decided that if I don't get onto the quidditch team I will tryout for the cheerleading squad. I had stolen Mattheos hoodie and sweatpants over the summer because I could. I placed those on and tucked my hair into the hood. I knew Draco, Enzo, and Mattheo were at the quidditch pitch or down there. The girls were in Pansys room practicing their cheers; I said I would join them later. Blaise and Theo were in the library 'doing homework'

I headed out of my room quickly and out of the common room before anyone could stop me. I headed through the dungeons and up the stairs. I quickly headed to the quidditch pitch. I saw Oliver Wood with the Weasley Twins up on the stand. Then Cedric Diggory with a friend of his. Then another Person which I guessed is the Ravenclaw captain

"ALRIGHT!" yelled Marcus flint with Tom, and another person behind him,"We have four positions,"

I was on the side of everyone. All of the taller people were standing behind the shorter.

"Beaters and any postion with me," called Marcus

"Chasers," said Tom looking at me.

Did he know it was me? No he couldn't. Maybe?

"Seekers with me,"

I headed to where Marcus was leading,"Don't think I've seen you before," said an older Slytherin to me

"Uh," I said,"Yeah I transferred,'

"Alright grab a broom and a bat," Marcus said loking at us

I headed to grab a broom and picked up a bat. There were 8 people trying out in this area. With Tom there were 6. With the other guy there was 3,"

"Who is going for any position?" asked Marcus

Three of us raise our hands.

"If I don't like you for beater. You'll go to Tom. If He doesnt like you you'll go to Adrain," said Marcus looking around,"RISE NOW!"

I flew up on my broom next to Enzo. I looked behind us to see some of the other struggling on the broom.

"Do they even know how to stay still on the broom?" I muttered but Enzo heard and snorted with laughter

"You two down," said Marcus,"Get out of my sight," he told the farthest two. They groaned and started cussing.

"You three against you three" said Marcus pointed at me, Enzo and another. I adjusted my hood of the hoodie.

Before I could blink Marcus let out the bludgers. They rose high up into the air before coming right back down to Enzo and I. I swung the bat hard and quickly. The bludger flew far and fast away.

The other side hit the bludger I just hit to Enzo who swung hard. The other bludger went to the other person and he could barely hit it.

"You to Tom," said Marcus pointing at the boy behind me.

A bludger came straight towards me and I knew I wouldn't be able to hit it. I flipped my broom upside down and flew a ways following the bludger before hitting it quickly. There was a buzzing in my arm that set it numb for a few seconds

"Damn he's got arm," said Fred very loudly,"Wouldnt want to face him,"

"Oh please we are stronger then him," said George

I wrote down my name kind of messily but still good enough for a teacher to read.

"GO BOYS!" yelled Pansy

I flew back to where Enzo was who was looking at the girls,"I wonder where Y/n is," he spoke

"Is Y/n your best friend," I teased

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now