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I quickly gathered my bag and rushed out of the Charms class, heart racing with excitement after my audition. As I made my way towards the Slytherin Common Room to meet up with my friends, a familiar voice called out my name.

"Miss Riddle," Professor Snape's deep voice rang out behind me.

I turned to face him, eyebrows raised in surprise. "Yes sir?"

"Professor Dumbledore has requested to see you," he informed me, his expression unreadable. "Follow me."

Feeling a mix of curiosity and nerves, I followed Professor Snape as he led the way through the winding corridors of Hogwarts. I wonder why the headmaster wanted to speak with me.

I spotted George Weasley following closely behind us. He must have seen me and decided to tag along.

"Hey Y/n, want to hang out?" he asked with a playful grin.

"Is later okay George? Professor Dumbledore wants me," I replied, gesturing for him to join us.

"Sure. What did you do to get into trouble?" he teased as we climbed up the staircase.

I rolled my eyes at his comment. I waved him off as Snape and I climbed the spiral staircase. Trying to ignore the growing knot in my stomach as we reached the top and stepped inside.

To my surprise, Madam Rivers, was sitting in one of the chairs facing Dumbledore's desk.

"Madam Rivers!" I exclaimed with a bright smile, rushing over to her for a hug.

She embraced me tightly before pulling away,"School going well?"

 I nodded smiling,"Fantastic. I have tons of friends!" I filled her in on that because I didnt have many when I was younger

"Thats fantasitic Y/n! Any problems with people making fun of you?" she worried

"Not at all," I smiled at her


"What brings you here today?" I asked curiously.

"Well, I've been keeping in touch with Dumbledore to make sure you're doing well," she explained with a warm smile. "He mentioned that you spent Christmas break at the Malfoy's home. From what I've gathered, they are your mother's relatives, correct?"

I nodded, feeling a pang of sadness at the thought of my mother. 

"Did you enjoy living there for the break?" she asked, her tone hinting at something more.

"I loved it there," I answered honestly "But I will miss the orphanage."

"Well, you can always visit," Madam Rivers reminded me with a reassuring smile. "Now, onto more serious matters. According to muggle law, Y/n would need to be officially adopted by the Malfoys in order to live with them. And as a witch, there are additional steps for adoption under Wizard law."

My heart skipped a beat at this revelation. I knew how long and complicated the adoption process was in the muggle world, but I had no idea what it entailed in the wizarding world.

Noticing my worried expression, Madam Rivers gently cupped my cheeks and wiped away a stray tear.

"Hey now, remember what the Mayor used to say?" she said softly.

I nodded, recalling his words about adoptions from within the orphanage being relatively simple. But that was in the muggle world...

"He always said that if someone from the orphanage was to be adopted by family, all that was needed was a DNA test from an adult and any siblings, along with some paperwork," Madam Rivers continued with a comforting smile. "With Wizarding law, there needs to be a trial for adoption. However, Lucius Malfoy happens to work at the Ministry and could potentially expedite the process."

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now