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I turned around with my group,"What?" Mattheo and I said in unison

"Matt did you understand that?" I asked him

"Yeah someone just said Kill," he said confused

"I heard it to,"

"Guys no one is saying anything," said Blaise,"You two are hearing things,"

"Come on we got that project after dinner to do," said Pansy dragging me along

We headed to dinner but I was really confused on what just happened. We headed into the Great Hall,"Oi Y/n wanna prank later on?" called Fred

"I got a project to do but how about this weekend,"

"We'll hold you to it," smiled George

I nodded heading with my friends. I sat down beside Tracey and we got to talking about the cheers for cheerleading.


I looked over my shoulder to see Flint,"Flint,"

"Apparently as I am captain I have to allow you to practice with us," he groaned,"I am not going to go easy on you just because you are a girl,"

"I wouldn't expect it," I said plainly as I turned around

As he walked away Draco elbowed me in the ribs,"Now you'll get to practice with us,'

"Yeah," I nodded excited but tried to hide it as I continued to eat and talk

I jumped when someone put their hands over my eyes,"Guess who,"

"Hermione Jean Granger," I smiled

"Why say my full name?" she laughed

"Your the one who put their hands over my eyes," I rolled my eyes

"Anyways since Lockhart doesn't know what he is doing. Do you wanna study together during our study hall next week?" she asked

"Sounds good," I nodded,"Text me later,"

"Of course,"

As I turned around I saw a roll flying towards me. It hit me in the face and everyone start to laugh. I looked at Theo,"Its so on," I chuckled grabbing a handful of grapes and throwing them at him


"Your the one who hit me first!"

"Nah ah," he shook his head laughing

"Uh huh," I nodded

Theo and I kept bickering for a while before we started to laugh. Soon dinner was over and we headed back to our common room when we were stopped to see in red writing


It looked to be written in red paint to seem like blood. I saw Hermione, Ron and Harry standing Infront of Filches cat. My eyes widen but I knew Hermione couldn't have done this with her love for cats.

"Enemies of the heir, beware," said Draco,"You'll be next mudblood..."I elbowed him hard in the side

"What's going on here?" asked Filch pushing students,"Go on, make way, make way," he elbowed many,"Potter,"What are you...Mrs.Norris? You've murdered my cat!"

"No," said Harry

"I'll kill you," said Filch,"I'll kill you," he grabbed Harry collar

"Argus?" asked Dumbledore,"Argus I---" he saw the wall,"Everyone will proceed to their dormitories immediately,"
We all slowly began to walk away.

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now