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I turned around in the hallway to see Hermione. I ran up to her as we just got back from break,"I missed you!" 

"I missed you too. Why didn't I get a painting," she pouted

I grabbed my bag and took out a present with her name on it. She squealed and opened the presents I painted of Crookshanks and Midnight,"Thank you," she hugged me again

"Your welcome," 

 We talked about our holidays and she explained how Harry got a firebolt from someone and she thinks its Sirius Black because apparently he is his godfather which is crazy to think about. I agreed she did the right thing for telling Professor McGonagall. 

"I got somethings to do but talk later?" I nodded at her. She hugged me again before walking away. 

After I set my stuff in my room and Midnight ran over to her stand and clawed at the post. I headed back down to the SLytherin common room. I saw Draco and Pansy snogging

"I don't need to see my best friend kissing my cousin," I called out walking by them. They just continued not paying any attention to me. 

I saw Daphne talking with Tracey and headed to them. They squealed and rushed to me into a hug

"Its been so long," said Daphne flipping her blonde hair to her back. 

"Its only been like a week," I laughed

 "Way to long," Tracey smiled,"So how are you doing?" 

"I am quite well,"I smiled,"You?" 

"Perfect," she smiled,"Any more anxiety attacks," 

"Not horrible ones but minor ones that didn't take me long to get over it," I explained as we walked to Blaise and Theodore. 

"Hey boys," said Daphne

"Hey Daph, Trace, Y/n/n," said Blaise nodding to us

"Where are the others?" asked Tracey looking around

"Well Draco and Pansy are snogging. Mattheo is trying to get a girls number in the Great Hall. No Idea where Lorenzo it," 

"Lorenzo and Jordan are somewhere," said Theodore

"Probably fucking," laughed Blaise. 

"FOr your information Zabini. We weren't," said Lorenzo walking up with Jordan holding hands. Ouch my heart hurts,"I just picked her up from her dorm," 

"After snogging for a while," said Theodore pointing to a hickey on their necks. 

Ouch again. I smiled at Lorenzo and Jordan,"Have a good break?" I asked them

"Perfect Y/n," smiled Jordan. 

Why does she have to be so God damn nice? 

"That's great! Oh painted you all presents," I looked in my bag and handed them the paintings. They all tore into them and gawked at their presents for a little while 

"Thanks Fire," said Lorenzo side hugging me

"No problem Enzo," I smiled at him,"I got other to give presents to so I will see you all around," 

I waved and headed out of the Slytherin common room. I walked upstairs to see Fred and George laughing walking down the hallway. I ran up to them and jumped on Georges back,"How are my favorite Weasley twins?" I asked them 

"Great Y/n/n. You?" said George adjusting me on his back 

"I am fantastic," I smiled brightly as I handed them their christmas gifts. 

⬩My Fire⬩Lorenzo Berkshire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now